Hello dear Accmailers :

To get started with a new unknown service, we send a blank mail, i.e no
subject, no body. Most services will send you back an error page with
instructions on how to get help.

For instance, this is what I got after a first try on webpage(AT)rumkin.com

> : Either the file you requested or the command you
> : used was incorrect.  To get a list of all valid
> : commands send a message to webpage(AT)rumkin.com
> : and in the SUBJECT put: send help
> If you continue to have problems please make sure that:
> - **ALL** commands are put in the **SUBJECT**
> - That you spelled the file correctly
> If that doesn't work, contact the admin at
> webpage-admin(AT)rumkin.com

Most of the services run standard scripts: the www4mail type, the www2mail,
type, etc. Once you get familiar with one, you just guess the known

Happy new yer 2008 !!


----- Original Message -----
From: "pete campbell" <pete_campbell(AT)BTCONNECT.COM>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 9:56 AM
Subject: List of webmail servers and how the email should look before
hitting 'send'?

> don't mention whether the address you are looking for goes
> in the subject or body and if you need to stick something before the
> (URL= for example). I wonder if anyone has a list of webmail servers with
> the added information of how the message should be formatted eg.-

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