On 16 Sep 2008 at 8:11, Damian V.B. wrote:
> well, a lot of files ultimately I tried to download, cause this 
> problem... (I worried about this) For example, try this url...
> http://home.casema.nl/eugene_plotnikov/SMS_lng.rar
> The file always returns with " .asc "

The cause of the problem is in Content-type returned by the remote
server. Any file which returns the "text" word in content-type is
treated as an ascii file. I noticed the same problem by "any" type of
e-mail server (old gopher, agora etc.)

I don't know what content-type this file returns, so I can't say how
hard a patch could be. May be an impossible change in many files or a
simple change in a regular expression. 



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