On 18 Sep 2008 at 4:11, Damian V.B. wrote:
> I think that a test can be done.... for what I could have seen, the
> www4mail uses the lynx browser, it must be installed in server ...
> maybe this is a lynx problem?

Lynx is involved, but it is not a Lynx problem.
Ramiro Ochoa has discovered what happened ...
* The server at casema.nl uses an incorrect content-type header,
  effectively telling Lynx that the content which follows is a text
* Lynx accepts the incorrect information, and treats the subsequent
  content as text.

> A test would be try to download problematic file directly from the web
> using lynx and seeing what happens.
> simple, but I can't do it ... I don't have full internet....
> Only an idea ...

But a good idea!
A Lynx test confirms your suspicions and Ramiro's theory.

If you need those files, I suggest you contact the people at
casema.nl and ask them to fix their content-type headers.
They will not be offended!

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