There are 20 messages totalling 759 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. WWW4 virus (2)
  2. introduce a new chinese free e-zine about food&health
  3. <No subject given> (3)
  4. Y2K stuff
  5. www4mail problem
  6. Is it virus ? (3)
  7. FTPMail, Agora, etc. statistics
  8. ASM conversion
  9. +16mb??
 10. How to combine part of zip files? (2)
 11. put for ftpmail (2)
 12. (Off topic) Info needed about headers in European countries
 13. Geographical Location

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACCMAIL Info (automatically generated) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To get the ACCMAIL FAQ: Send e-mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
and enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email


Date:    Thu, 25 Feb 1999 22:56:22 -0300
From:    Jonatan Galletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WWW4 virus


I want it to know if receibing web pages from WWW4 I can get a



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:26:26 +0800
From:    QiMeng 2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: introduce a new chinese free e-zine about food&health

A new Chinese free e-zine will be published in 3.1
It's talking about healty&natural food,and related
To subscribe,
Subject:leave blank
Body:subscribe food

Green Studio


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 07:08:52 -0500
From:    Stephen Benjamin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: <No subject given>

>Date:    Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:01:59 +0200
>From:    Valerian Dinca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: The taming of the shrew
>Does anybody know where I can find  web page about Shakespeare.
>I would be interested to find something about "The taming of the
shrew" (I
>need it for my son. He has to write a project bout it)

You can read the actual book online at:

Note: The above is address is all one line.

- Stephen Benjamin

NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 07:45:00 -5
Subject: Y2K stuff

To--Gerry Boyd
Thank you for your excellent disquisition on the Y2K problem.
You stated it very well--clearly and understandably--and with
economical use of words.  Too bad none of the folks in the
media have been able to do an equally good job.


Date:    Thu, 25 Feb 1999 19:25:30 +0100
From:    Toldy Lajos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: www4mail problem

Dear AccMailers!

I may like to download web pages with images. So I sent the next
commands to the bellanet www4mail server in the body of e-mail:


I got a normal reply but I got not the web page and pictures.
What is the problem? I was used the commads badly?

Sincerely: Lajos

************************* Toldy Lajos *************************
* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * *
* web_emil levelezolista:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
* Az Internet elerese/hasznalata e-maillel, freeware prog-ok  *


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:55:08 +0700
From:    enerteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is it virus ?

Dear Mr. Gerry Boyd and everybody,

Recently, I received the email from a person I have never contacted before. This
email have no text but have an attachment named "Happy99.exe". At that time, my
friends warned me that it is a virus, a kind of "Trojan horse" virus.

I am not sure, so I did not dare to open it !!

I think the best way I have to do now is ask you whether it is a virus or not.
If the answer is "Yes", please tell me how this virus operates, what I have to
do next
and where I can find the specific antivrus program to destroy it ?

Thanks in advance.
I am looking forward to your instructions day after day !

Nam Trung
P/S: One more question : "Trojan horse" virus is the program which aims to steal
Internet account passwords, right ?


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 06:01:15 GMT
Subject: FTPMail, Agora, etc. statistics

FTPMail, Agora, etc. statistics for Thu 25 Feb 1999, posted Fri 26 Feb, 06:00 GMT/BST

Less than 1 hour


1-4 hours


4-10 hours


More than 10 hours


Response within 4 hours in at least 5 out of 7 recent tests


This data is generated automatically around 0600 GMT/BST most
days. The performance reported is dependant on many factors and your
experience may vary. You can also access this list:

     On the Web at
     By FTP at
     Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and say
     "get file stats.txt" (no quotes)

Want this list every day? Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in the
body of your message put "join statistics" (no quotes)

No liability is accepted for inaccuracies. Mirroring, links to and
copying of this entire file (not extracts) is permitted until further

Slow downloads? Try Mr. Cool!

Copyright Net Services 1999.


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 07:01:40 +0500
From:    Irfan Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ASM conversion

On 23 Feb 99, at 21:42, A.C wrote:

>>    Request : software for conversion *.ASM  to
C++,Pascal,etc..files. Thanx a lot. Alin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <<

the following is _NOT_ conversion per se, but is definitely a way
around to put assembly language code in C source code. this is from
steven holzner's "c with assembly". some other high-level langauges
also allow the use of "inline" assembly code. again, this is _NOT_
conversion in the true sense of the word.


program in assembly language

mov dl, 90
mov ah, 2
int 21h

progam in turbo/ borland C

#pragma inline
asm mov dl, 90
asm mov ah, 2
asm int 21h

program in quick/ microsoft c

mov dl, 90
mov ah, 2
int 21h


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 10:43:04 +0300
From:    Alex Protasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: +16mb??


Try WWW4MAIL  e.g.

You can use GETPART command

from www4mail help:

!    Subject:         (... whatever you like)
!    GETPART 1, 2 3 , 5-8        one option line only!
!    GETSIZE 10000               one option line only!
!    URL_here
!GETPART sets the number of parts to return in each e-mail by www4mail.
!If GETSIZE is not given, www4mail uses its default values -see section
!Automatic Splitting of Messages (above).
!When www4mail replies to a GETPART command, then the requested Web
!document is ALWAYS sent as an attachment. You may need to force your
!Mail User Agent to save it using the save file option.  Finally, a
!suitable application or command can be used to combine all chunks (on
!UNIX use:  "cat file.1 file.2 file.3 > file" and on DOS use: "copy /b
!file.1+file.2+file.3 file").

May be its help


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 12:10:57 -0500
From:    Azeem Baig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to combine part of zip files?

The following is a part of file sent back from Bitnet FTP in 7 parts.

From: Princeton BITNET FTP Server <shakti!PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU!BITFTP4>
X-ccAdmin: root@shakti
To: iocrbom!RamamurthyS
Subject:, Part 002 of 007 (uuencoded)

The following line should contain ASCII characters 0x20-0x5F:


(1) I tried to save each file as .txt and combine with "copy /b".  Did not work.
(2) I tried to save each file as .uue and unencode with Winzip.  Did not work.

Please explain how to unencode the file.  Kindly reply in person as I am not
receiving the Digest.



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 11:58:33 +0800
From:    abe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: <No subject given>

How can I get previous issues of accmail digest?


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 17:42:05 +0100
From:    Eddy Steevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: put for ftpmail

I know it is possible to 'get' files with a ftpmail server.  But Is it
possible to 'put' files by using a ftpmail server?  Or any other E-mail
based tool?

Basically I want to use this to avoid a firewall.  The firewall doesn't
allow me to do FTP.  So I'm not able to setup my home page...

Eddy Steevens


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:58:11 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WWW4 virus

At 10:56 PM 2/25/1999 -0300, Jonatan Galletti wrote the following:

>I want it to know if receibing web pages from WWW4 I can get a

Simple answer -- no

Viruses can't be found in web pages UNLESS the web page contains a link
to a program that automatically launches such as Javascript or a MS
Word macro virus. Most of the Javascript security holes have been
patched so you should always check your browser program for the latest

The most common form of virus transmission is as E-mail attachments.
Viruses are NEVER found in plain ASCII E-mail text such as this message.



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 10:12:01 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is it virus ?

At 09:55 AM 2/26/1999 +0700, enerteam wrote the following:

>Recently, I received the email from a person I have never contacted
before. This
>email have no text but have an attachment named "Happy99.exe". At that
time, my
>friends warned me that it is a virus, a kind of "Trojan horse" virus.


This is one of the rare cases where the virus problem is REAL and is
not a hoax. The happy99.exe virus has been spreading around the world
like wild fire.

>From the CIAC Security site:
Update on Happy99.exe Worm - 02/02/99

     A computer worm called Happy99.exe has been discovered in the
     wild in Europe and will likely spread to North America.

     Most of the major anti-virus vendors now have updates that will
     allow their software to detect the malicious code.

     Please choose from the link below to download the product you need.
     For McAfee VirusScan 3 (hrlydats):
     For McAfee VirusScan 4 (extra dat):
     For Dr Solomon's AVTK (extra driver):
     For Dr Solomon's VirusScan 4 (extra dat):

     Other links include:
     For Data Fellows:
     Data Fellows Offers Free Protection Against the Happy99.exe
Computer Worm
     For Symantec:

>P/S: One more question : "Trojan horse" virus is the program which
aims to steal
>Internet account passwords, right ?

Nope. It's based on the classic Greek story where soldiers were hidden
inside the great wooden horse that was delivered as a gift. The phrase
"Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" comes from this famous classic tale of

A Trojan horse is a section of malicious code hidden within a
legitimate program. The Trojan horse may be activated immediately in
which case the unauthorized code is used to damage the system. If the
damage comes later then it is usually referred to as a logic or time bomb.



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 19:57:27 +0200
From:    Uzi Paz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is it virus ?

> Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 09:55:08 +0700
> From: enerteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Recently, I received the email from a person I have never contacted before. This
> email have no text but have an attachment named "Happy99.exe". At that time, my
> friends warned me that it is a virus, a kind of "Trojan horse" virus.
> I am not sure, so I did not dare to open it !!

You did right by not opening it. It is an "Internet worm". It is not much
a Trojan horse because it can self replicate, although some antivirus
programs claim that it is.
According to many definitions of the term "computer virus", it also meets
the definition of a virus.

If you execute the Happy99, then it does to you the exact thing that it
did to the friend the "posted" it to you. After running it, and until you
remove the infection (by using an antivirus program) whenever
you post a message to some address, it posts itself under your name to the
same address.

Most of the most recent versions of antivirus programs can remove
infections of the Happy99 virus. For sure, the F-PROT

Please notify the person who "posted" the Happy99 to you, so that he can
remove the happy99 infection.

> I think the best way I have to do now is ask you whether it is a virus or not.
> If the answer is "Yes", please tell me how this virus operates, what I have to
> do next
> and where I can find the specific antivrus program to destroy it ?

If you didn't run it, then you can delete the message, since the virus is
there, but has never been executed, and thus you just remove it.

> P/S: One more question : "Trojan horse" virus is the program which aims
> to steal Internet account passwords, right ?

Not necessarilly. A Trojan horse is a software that claims to do one thing
but does another (or other things). According to definition A Trojan horse
does not have the ability to self replicate.

There is a variation in the jargon, named: Trojan mule, which is a
software which has the same name of a known program but besides doing what
it supposed to do it does other things as well. Such programs are used in
cracking to collect passwords. Also in spynig.



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 10:31:53 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: put for ftpmail

At 05:42 PM 2/26/1999 +0100, Eddy Steevens wrote the following:

>I know it is possible to 'get' files with a ftpmail server.  But Is it
>possible to 'put' files by using a ftpmail server?  Or any other E-mail
>based tool?

For FTP...
Short answer -- no
Long answer -- see short answer

Even longer answer -- The only place that allows this is the Simtel
shareware site then only after recieving permission and getting a
specail ftp upload area established. One of the members on this list
was working on a beta version of a program to allow ftp uploads by
E-mail but I don't think it's in production.



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 10:26:21 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: <No subject given>

At 11:58 AM 2/26/1999 +0800, abe wrote the following:

>How can I get previous issues of accmail digest?

Hmmm, somebody who hasn't read my howto documents or doesn't know how
to use a listserv.


However, I will present a portion here for you:

Many users on the ACCMAIL mailing list miss a digest or a portion of
one or an individual
posting or accidently delete a digest or posting that they intended to
keep and wonder how
to retrieve it.

For this reason I will show you how to search and retrieve a missed
posting or digest or
any posting for that matter.

The individual postings to the ACCMAIL mailing list are sent out one at
a time or in the
form of a digest. The digest is formed by automagically combining the
individual postings
and sending them out at the end of the current day. The digests are
then combined into
logs and archived. The logs contain from 1 to 7 days of digests.

A document you should all have is the LISTSERV reference card. This is
a list of
LISTSERV commands (including search commands and parameters) and can be
retrieved by sending E-mail as follows:

or any LISTSERV that you are subscribed to.
Subject: [leave blank]



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 10:22:25 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to combine part of zip files?

At 12:10 PM 2/26/1999 -0500, Azeem Baig wrote the following:

>The following is a part of file sent back from Bitnet FTP in 7 parts.
>From: Princeton BITNET FTP Server <shakti!PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU!BITFTP4>
>X-ccAdmin: root@shakti
>To: iocrbom!RamamurthyS
>Subject:, Part 002 of 007 (uuencoded)
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The following line should contain ASCII characters 0x20-0x5F:
> !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
>(1) I tried to save each file as .txt and combine with "copy /b".  Did
not work.
>(2) I tried to save each file as .uue and unencode with Winzip.  Did
not work.
>Please explain how to unencode the file.  Kindly reply in person as I
am not
>receiving the Digest.

Why in the world do you want to uuencode it? It already is encoded. You
want to UUDECODE the file.

Without knowing your E-mail program the simplest way is to save each
part. Open wordpad on part 1 and delete everything up to "begin ..."
Add each part in wordpad. Strip everything after the "end" word in the
last part. You should end up with something that looks like:
"begin ...."
hundreds or thousands of "M" lines

Save this large file as "happfred.uue" and UUDECODE to end up with
"" Unzip to a directory or folder of your choice.



Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 13:55:06 PST
From:    "Jerel D. Arbaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (Off topic) Info needed about headers in European countries

}Date:    Sun, 21 Feb 1999 02:49:21 EST
}From:    David Ames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
}Is there any basis in European usage to suppose that the date/time stamp
}contained in my outgoing header has been altered to Greenwich or local
}time?  I must say that this man, refusing to justify his adverse
}is spoiling the pleasure I expected to have from this competition.

I would pay attention to the Received: header dates, as well as the Date:
header.  The Last Received: header on the message should be from when
juno got the message from you.

Also note that the default time zone used by the juno client is EST, and
it will therefore mark the Date: header as that being your time zone,
UNLESS you have the code set to tell juno that you are in another zone.
This can be up to a three hour error (in the case of Pacific time).  For
more info on this, get back to me off list with your time zone info and
the version of both juno and your operating system.

}David Ames
}"Train an eagle in the way he should go and he will never amount to
Please change the line between your name and tag to exactly two dashes.
(It officially should be dash-dash-space-newline, but juno will truncate
out the space.)  advTHANKSance.
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jerel.


Date:    Fri, 26 Feb 1999 12:54:12 PST
From:    "Jerel D. Arbaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Geographical Location

}Date:    Fri, 19 Feb 1999 13:16:27 +0100
}From:    Sciarra Francesco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
}Is it possible to know the geographical location of a site like

Not really.  For example, if you do a whois search on

1: You find the location of the administrators of the site, but they
could be at a different location than the site.

2: could easily be on the other side of the globe from Though is likely at the same location, likely as not will not be!

3: In some cases, many mirrored sites may go by a common name.  This,
done for load spreading, typically is all computers at one location, but
often the computers are far apart.

So, it can be guessed, but there is no guarantee.
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jerel.


End of ACCMAIL Digest - 25 Feb 1999 to 26 Feb 1999 (#1999-58)

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