There are 21 messages totalling 680 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. help (2)
  2. FTP site Watchers
  3. FTPMail, Agora, etc. statistics
  4. Weather by email?
  5. How to get IP address ? (2)
  6. Bellanet quota
  7. [ACCMAIL Digest - 17 Mar 1999 to 18 Mar 1999 (#1999-78)]
  8. surveys are not allowed (3)
  9. asking iliad by sending it an e-mail query (2)
 10. Re.: ACCMAIL Digest Posting time
 11. Non-meaningful subjects (3)
 12. Help
 13. How big is 'Happy99.exe'?
 14. Downloading by E-mail

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACCMAIL Info (automatically generated) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To get the ACCMAIL FAQ: Send e-mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
and enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email


Date:    Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:15:13 0100
From:    George Osei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help

I'm trying to get a file from this site to
upgrade my software but i,m having problems downloading it.I have
tried gophermail but i only get a little part of it.Can someone help
me out here .Any help will be appreciated.

Than you


Date:    Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:08:19 EST
From:    John W Goodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FTP site Watchers

I've used services for web pages that track changes.
Has anyone come across anything that will do the same for FTP sites?

This got me to thinking Simtelnet's FTPDif perhaps could be used for this
from being called from a script.
I'm not very up on scripting. If someone reading this is. Can you see a
use of FTPDif being used to track single FTP file changes rather than a
entire FTP directory?


Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 06:01:23 GMT
Subject: FTPMail, Agora, etc. statistics

FTPMail, Agora, etc. statistics for Thu 18 Mar 1999, posted Fri 19 Mar, 06:00 GMT/BST

Less than 1 hour


1-4 hours


4-10 hours


More than 10 hours


Response within 4 hours in at least 5 out of 7 recent tests


This data is generated automatically around 0600 GMT/BST most
days. The performance reported is dependant on many factors and your
experience may vary. You can also access this list:

     On the Web at
     By FTP at
     Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and say
     "get file stats.txt" (no quotes)

Want this list every day? Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in the
body of your message put "join statistics" (no quotes)

No liability is accepted for inaccuracies. Mirroring, links to and
copying of this entire file (not extracts) is permitted until further

Slow downloads? Try Mr. Cool!

Copyright Net Services 1999.


Date:    Thu, 18 Mar 1999 22:54:48 -0800
From:    Mark Panitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weather by email?

is there a way to get the weather by email?


Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 18:17:59 +0700
From:    Khoa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to get IP address ?

Could anybody tell me how to get the IP address of a specified URL address ?

Thanks in advance.


Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 16:03:06 +0200
From:    Gabriel Teodorescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bellanet quota

Whoa! Bellanet decreased my quota to 75 per week. Is this global, or it
affects only me?



Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 08:14:33 MET
From:    Bruno Bougie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ACCMAIL Digest - 17 Mar 1999 to 18 Mar 1999 (#1999-78)]

Hello all,

I re-subscribed to the list. I have been on in 97/98. due to
activities with my study I unsubscribed...but now it seems I
have more time again :-)

looking forward to sharing info w/u all again!!!!


Get free e-mail and a permanent address at


Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 09:10:32 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: surveys are not allowed

At 12:40 AM 3/19/1999 +0900, Anonymous wrote the following:

>Using our list for carring surveys must not be allowed . The information
>provided by such survey can be used for commercial purposes ( who knows
>? ) . The only person that could be allowed to make surveys is the
>moderator ( even under certain restrictions ) . There are alternative
>ways for making such a survey others than our list . Let's say no to any
>survey , let's say no to spam . Defend your privacy .

First off I posted your message against my better judgement. I don't
normally care for anonymous postings and usually just delete them.

Secondly, Uzi Paz is the maintainer of the HELP-NET mailing list and
also the ua.txt file about Usenet access which makes him non
commercial. The survey for is for a specific purpose, that is how to
distribute his ua.txt file in the future.

Lastly, it  was not a "spam" message as he wasn't trying to get you to
buy anything or send money or how to make money fast scheme or any of
the other things that make a spam message.

If you want to post to this list in the future DON't do it anonymously...



Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 17:42:31 +0200
From:    Johann Snyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: surveys are not allowed

If it is on topic, why not? It is your own choice whether you want to
answer it or not.

On 19 Mar 99, at 0:40, Anonymous wrote:
> Hy Gerry .
> Hy accmailers .
> Using our list for carring surveys must not be allowed . The information
> provided by such survey can be used for commercial purposes ( who knows
> ? ) . The only person that could be allowed to make surveys is the
> moderator ( even under certain restrictions ) . There are alternative
> ways for making such a survey others than our list . Let's say no to any
> survey , let's say no to spam . Defend your privacy .
> Thanks .



Date:    Tue, 16 Mar 1999 12:34:18 -0400
From:    chiriko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: asking iliad by sending it an e-mail query

Hy accmailers .

I tried iliad ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) by sending it a query but I
got the help file instead of the answer . I wrote:

Subject: iliad query

?Q: css tutorial

I live outside USA .If any could help me I'll be grateful . The iliad
help file is too short so any other source of information could be
useful .



Date:    Sat, 20 Mar 1999 00:36:30 +0600
From:    K Sethu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re.: ACCMAIL Digest Posting time

In my posting on Tue, 16 Mar 1999 at 00:23:33 +0600, I posed the following
question :
Is it so that the  same day's digest gets posted to different groups of
subscribers at different times, that I didn't know of ?

In response to this on Tue, 16 Mar 1999 at 10:45:22 PST, Jerel D. Arbaugh
wrote :
>Some people are getting individual messages, that come out when the
>posting is approved, not waiting for the digest.  This is why you will
>often find a message answered in the same digest.

As a very new newbie 2 months back, I was indeed puzzled for some days
on how some responses to postings creep into the same digests. But then I
got the
correct picture as regards difference between the Digests and Individual
when I had read in one of the January postings about the  alternate *Nodigest*

The query I raised (quoted above) was on a different point - it was with regard
to Digests only -  on whether a day's digest is distributed at differnet
times to
different receivers-

I raised this because of Avi Ben Zev's posting of Sat, 13 Mar 1999 19:14:23
His posting was subject titled on, and referring, to that ACCMAIL DIGEST
Happy99 (or part of it) to some. That infamous digest was posted, as I
pointed out,
actually about 12 hours after the time indicated in date stamp of Avi Ben Zev's

 I am more sure now that this anomaly could have happened  only because of
error in the date stamping of Avi Ben Zev's posting.

I must admit that only after shooting-off my posting, it occured to me I should
have done one thing first - look into any references on when digests are posted
in past digests. Indeed, I felt as if I was caught skipping spinach, when I
inside *ADMIN: Monthly Reminder* of our moderator. In it he  informs  that a
day's digest is *sent out at the end of each day* -  so it has to be only
once a day
and also at the same time to all digest receivers.

(Thus, some having got the worm - or part of it  while others not, was
not because of postings at different times! )

Anyway, I thank you Jerel, for responding to my posting which was BTW my very
first to any list.



Date:    Sat, 20 Mar 1999 00:36:32 +0600
From:    K Sethu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Non-meaningful subjects

In *ADMIN: Monthly Reminder* (last posting was on 1st March 1999)
Moderator say :

>Non-meaningful subjects are:
>1. empty or blank subjects
>2. Subject: I need help
>3. Subject: A question
>4. Subject: Re: ACCMAIL Digest ....

I wonder why the bronze medalist (item 4 above) merits a place.
Are the *space,dot,dot,dot,dot* after *Re: ACCMAIL Digest*  meant to imply
"any subject line starting with Re: ACCMAIL Digest" or
are they just plain 4 meaningless suffixed dots  ?

If those dots are infact there to mean any subject starting with Re: ACCMAIL
why Non-meaningful? Is it because if such subject is searched for, it would
be like
locating a needle in the hay?  Or by "Non-meaningful",  moderator  means
"Non-meaningful" plain and simple?

(BTW during the week I was not alone in using subject lines starting so)

K. Sethu


Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 13:19:46 -0500
From:    Rodolfo Miguel Ortega Santiesteban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help

  I need some information about this relates:

  1 - How can I send FREE FAXES to Cuba(my own country)
      to the folloing fax number
      (Cuba)  (Holguin)   (number)
        53  -    24    -   255281

  2 - How could I put web pages of my own in the web, FREELY?.
   If there is no way to do it . Is there some one of you who
  could do that for me ?


  Rodolfo Ortega


Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 21:14:17 +0200
From:    Uzi Paz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: surveys are not allowed

On 19 Mar 1999 09:10 -0800, Gerald E. Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Secondly, Uzi Paz is the maintainer of the HELP-NET mailing list and
> also the ua.txt file about Usenet access which makes him non
> commercial. The survey for is for a specific purpose, that is how to
> distribute his ua.txt file in the future.

The survey originated from my difficulty in taking decission whether to
offer (zip compressed version) in uuencoded format or in Base64
MIME format. I already decided to offer it in both formats (using two
different autoresponders), and now waiting only for a single response from
someone, so that I can release it.

While I was thinking about the issue, I realized that I really know very
little about the accessability level of accmail users, and although the
practical reason is no longer relevant (as I already made the decission),
I am still interested in the answer.

I also participate in IETF discussions, and such knowledge will be of help
to me, and I intend to give the statistics also here.

As for the concern that the anonymous poster made, I am not the one to
testify about my own honesty. For this reason I delayed my own reply
until Gerry Boyd made his response. Anyway, I am only interested in the
statistical information, not in any personal info.  I think that the
statistics that such a survey may generate is of interest to many people,
and I cannot see how can such a statistical information can be abused.

I got many comments, and suggestions about the draft of the survey, and I
apologize for not responding to the writers seperately, I will make some
changes accordingly, and hope to post the survey, soon. Many thanks.
I will respond to all writers, but delayed it until getting further



Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 21:32:52 +0200
From:    Uzi Paz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Non-meaningful subjects

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 00:36:32 +0600
> From: K Sethu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In *ADMIN: Monthly Reminder* (last posting was on 1st March 1999)
> Moderator say :
> >Non-meaningful subjects are:
> >1. empty or blank subjects
> >2. Subject: I need help
> >3. Subject: A question
> >4. Subject: Re: ACCMAIL Digest ....
> >
> I wonder why the bronze medalist (item 4 above) merits a place.

These are just _examples_ of none-meaningful subjects, don't take it too
literally. A meaningful subject is a one that gives a non-trivial
information about the contents of the message.

It might be that a "Re: ACCMAIL Digest" will be a valid and legitimate
and even meaningful subject.

This IS, however, an example of a very common meaningless subject, because
people who receive Accmail in a NOMIME digest format, receive once a day a
single message which have a subject: "ACCMAIL Digest ..." where the three
dots represent that this is the way the message begins. In this digest
they receive all messages posted on that day, and in many cases when they
reply to a specific message on this digest, they forget or do not bother
to change the subject, and it automatically gets the
"Re: ACCMAIL Digest ..." subject, without any regard to the specific
message they were replying to.



Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:37:14 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help

At 10:15 PM 3/18/1999, George Osei wrote the following:

>I'm trying to get a file from this site
> to
>upgrade my software but i,m having problems downloading it.I have
>tried gophermail but i only get a little part of it.Can someone help
>me out here .Any help will be appreciated.

The user has some of his filenames in UPPERcase. You must remember that
Unix is case sensitive, so cde20c32.exe is not the same as CDE20C32.EXE

    Parent Directory        11-Nov-1998 11:33      -
    CDE20B16.EXE            26-Apr-1998 13:01   2.4M
    CDE20B32.EXE            26-Apr-1998 13:07   2.7M
    CDE20C32.EXE            15-Feb-1999 16:22   3.3M
    EXE20B16.EXE            26-Apr-1998 13:08   601k
    EXE20B32.EXE            26-Apr-1998 13:10   593k
    cde20a16.exe            28-Aug-1997 08:47   2.4M
    cde20a32.exe            28-Aug-1997 08:42   2.7M
    cdl13a16.exe            28-Aug-1997 08:31   1.6M
    cdl13a32.exe            28-Aug-1997 08:36   1.9M
    exe20a16.exe            05-Feb-1998 07:56   602k
    exe20a32.exe            05-Feb-1998 07:47   594k



Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:41:56 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to get IP address ?

At 06:17 PM 3/19/1999 +0700, Khoa wrote the following:

>Could anybody tell me how to get the IP address of a specified URL
address ?

nslookup will do it for you. For example:

Server:  localhost

,,,, 152.16

See Bob Appleton's GETIT4U.TXT file section =6= for some web=based
nslookup's that you can access by E-mail methods.

Send a blank message TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:50:52 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Non-meaningful subjects

At 12:36 AM 3/20/1999 +0600, K Sethu wrote the following:

>In *ADMIN: Monthly Reminder* (last posting was on 1st March 1999)
>Moderator say :
>>Non-meaningful subjects are:
>>1. empty or blank subjects
>>2. Subject: I need help
>>3. Subject: A question
>>4. Subject: Re: ACCMAIL Digest ....
>I wonder why the bronze medalist (item 4 above) merits a place.
>Are the *space,dot,dot,dot,dot* after *Re: ACCMAIL Digest*  meant to
>"any subject line starting with Re: ACCMAIL Digest" or
>are they just plain 4 meaningless suffixed dots  ?

This is to show "ellipsis", that is, indicating an omission of words.
If a reader is a digest subscriber and just responds to the digest,
then most E-mail programs by default add a "Re:" and the previous
subject line. Consequently, if the poster doesn't modify the subject
line, it will reflect the digest version and date rather than having a
meaningful subject line.

Notice that this response to your posting has the "Re:" prefix.



Date:    Sat, 20 Mar 1999 02:04:22 +0600
Subject: Re: How big is 'Happy99.exe'?

At 08:31 17-03-99 +0200, you wrote:
>> Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 02:11:41 +0600
>> How big is 'Happy99.exe'? I got it with my ACCMAIL posts - size 1kb.
>> Sen
>If I rememvber correctly, the size is 10K when decoded, so it is about
>13Kb-14Kb in size when in a uuencoded format.
>On my list (Help-Net) which is not moderated, I set the maximum number of
>lines to 225, and in this way, the happy99 will be rejected automatically.




Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:30:49 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Downloading by E-mail

At 06:28 PM 3/18/1999 +0100, Jan Wagemakers wrote the following:

>>I have tried to download ''
>>by making use of www2E-mail-servers. But it seems that I can not
>>this file. Is it possible to download this file by E-mail?

Doesn't look like it... Here is what I get using a browser, which is
about the same thing you got using an E-mail server:


You do not have permission to access

Binary files stored on FreeServers must be accessed by a local link on
a FreeServers
user web page.

If you think there is an error, please take the time to notify

Thank you for using Free Servers.



Date:    Fri, 19 Mar 1999 12:39:37 -0800
From:    "Gerald E. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: asking iliad by sending it an e-mail query

At 12:34 PM 3/16/1999 -0400, chiriko wrote the following:

>I tried iliad ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) by sending it a query but I
>got the help file instead of the answer . I wrote:
>Subject: iliad query
>?Q: css tutorial

You need a space before and after the colon " : "

Subject: iliad query

?Q : css tutorial



End of ACCMAIL Digest - 18 Mar 1999 to 19 Mar 1999 (#1999-79)

Reply via email to