At 09:32 AM 8/9/2002 +0200, Thierry Nesztler wrote the following:

>I've tried to get the same one by gophermail.
>to : gopher mail server
>subject :
>body :
>Name=Test to get a web page
>Path=GET /pa/consult.pl5?tap=0&brik=25&mot=

I tried the same request but changed the "?" and "&" to their hexadecimal
equivalents. The request still failed. I also tried some other combinations
that also failed. For some reason gophermail (or at least the CZ gophermail
server) returns "The requested URL xxxx was not found on this server"
message for Perl scripts.

However, this is not surprising. Gopher and the WWW protocols were first
published about the same time (1991). As we all know, the WWW has far
surpassed it beginnings and gopher has all but disappeared. Gophermail
never was
intended to retrieve web pages or files located on web sites (or ftp sites)
but to access gopher sites. Since the secondary use of gophermail (web and
ftp sites) is now the primary use, I'm not surprised that things don't
always work.

Gerry Boyd

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