When Downloadslave went permanently south,
Binky became permanently slow.
What once took moments, dearly beloved,
now takes hours.
I am forced to admit another into my sphere.
I feel as though I am losing a valued friend.
Alas, Binky will be sorely missed;
but, he can no longer keep up.
He has fallen, dear friends, from grace...poor thing.
Binky could sweet-talk his way into directories
that frighten lesser programs, such as agora,
ftpmail, and the wishy-washy WWW4mail servers,
into a cowering lump of binary flotsam.
It is, indeed, a shame to see him in such a helpless,
pitiable condition.
I need a new, DEPENDABLE server for file-getting...
one that is unafraid of the long filename.
Has anyone any ideas?  Please, no cryptic references
to a mile-long, obscure, and indecipherable "how-to"
document, residing on the mystic edge of the Internet.
I await your response.  Thank you.

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