Hi, Accmailers!

Some news:

01. SOOPLE makes using the advanced features of the Google search
easier at http://www.soople.com/ .

02. FEEDSTER.  Similar to Google's service, the alert at
http://www.feedster.com/alerts.php will keep you informed by email
whenever your search term pops up on the Net.

03. GOOGLE at EMAILWEB. You all know about search bot
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Emailweb search works pretty much the same way:
you email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with you search words in mail
subject. And you get search results back instantly.
Again, all Goggle's tricks transfer nicely to Emailweb search,
for example, in order to search for the phrase "voice over IP" within the
site www.skype.com you email with the subject like this

"voice over IP" site:www.skype.com

Say, you don't remember the URL you read about a week ago. You only
remember that it contained "bycicle" and it was somewhere in Russia
(ended with dot ru)
So you email there with subject

inurl:bicycle inurl:.ru

Good   news  for  non-english  speakers:  while  capeclear's  service
processes  only  search  words  consisting from US ASCII symbols only,
Emailweb is tolerant to non-english words.

I have sent today a search term in Russian and got correct results back
from emailweb.

Happy surfing,

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To get the ACCMAIL FAQ: Send e-mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
and enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email

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