On 14 Aug 2004 at 16:07, Mike Webb wrote:
> Is anybody in contact with Gerry? If a set of all of the expita.com files
> (www and ftp) could be posted somewhere else, they could continue to
> be helpful to ACCMAILers as long as at least some of the info is current.

I have a complete set of the expita.com pages, and I could host them
-- but there are at least two problems ...

a) The content of the pages belongs to Gerry Boyd. I don't think it
   would be right to copy them without Gerry Boyd's explicit
b) The pages have not been updated for many months. I don't see any
   point in publishing a website which has no maintenance scheme.

Gerry Boyd retired from ACCMAIL a year ago, and probably has other
plans for the resources which he is paying for. Now I think it is the
right time for the ACCMAIL community to take responsibility for the
FAQ and all related resources.

Can we devise a way of doing this collectively, rather than relying on
the dedication of just one person?

I don't think hosting is a significant problem. I can offer reliable
http and ftp hosting, and no doubt many other people can do the same.

What is difficult is maintenance. ACCMAIL resources have rarely been
stable for very long. Removal of dead links and timely addition of new
resources is critical. It is too much for a single person.

I have some ideas on how it might be done as a collaboration. I will
try to find time in the next 48 hours to write them up and post them
here -- but I am also keen to hear *any* other suggestions from *any*
other subscribers. Time to brainstorm!?

szs `at` szs `dot` net

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