Hello accmailers and thanks to Albert for the translated note ...

On 11 Nov 2006 at 22:38, Albert Reiner wrote:
> BTW, in order to find out what encoding of the non-ASCII characters
> was used in the translation I tried to obtain the main text per the
> autoresponder.  However, the response I got was an empty mail with the
> subject line "Aliro al la interreto pere de retposxto - ACCMAIL 10.2
> (eo)" (which incidentally answered my question).  Unless that is a
> temporary glitch, I would like to ask you (SZS) to look into that.

The encoding is ANSI. I have also added your text to a UTF8
version which I keep on the http://szs.net/emailonly/ --
but the public link is to your own
http://purl.oclc.org/net/a-reiner/esperanto/accmail/ .

The glitch was indeed temporary and is now fixed.

::: SZS :::

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