Hi I know the providers of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] and others are not responsible for the way documents are sent or the content but I am wondering of you might still be able to provide me with an answer. What format does [EMAIL PROTECTED] retrieve PDF in? I got some, about eight attachments but I can't read them, can't even copy them to the clipboard. I am visually impaired so can't see the problem, I use Window-Eyes 4.5, does the format depend on the type of PDF document?It returned the request in four parts and the subject indicated was requested URL getpdf://www.iab.org.il/PNLV3.pdf and not http:// although I am sure I asked for http://www as I copied and pasted the URL from a document I got via webpage grabber.
Ricky ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To contribute to the discussion, email to accmail@listserv.aol.com To unsubscribe, email to the *admin* address [EMAIL PROTECTED] with UNSUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL as the message body. WWW: http://emailonly.szs.net/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------