Hello accmailers ...

    Eliam Marrero complained that his email host blocks attachments
    with filetype .exe, and also blocks filetypes of the form
    .exe.001. He asked if there could be a www4mail command to
    rename attachments to prevent this happening.

Unfortunately, the answer is probably 'no'. The authors of www4mail are
not developing it or maintaining it. But if there are any experienced
Perl programmers reading this, please consider if you have time to work
on the www4mail source code -- it's released under the GNU General
Public License ( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ), and can be
downloaded from http://users.ictp.it/~onime/www4mail/

However, Eliam's problem is common. Many email hosts reject attachments
with filetype .exe

Here are some suggestions ...

1. Try to find an alternative download which offers the same file
   compressed to 'zip', 'gz', or some other compression format.

2. If you know the size of the file, use a www4mail server with command
   GETSIZE to ensure that the exe file is split. For example, if the
   file size is 100 Mb, use command GETSIZE 90000. This won't help Eliam
   (the parts will have the form .exe.NNN), but it might help others.

3. Use a www4mail server with command XUUENCODE (there will be no

4. If you have occasional access to the WWW (or if you have a friend who
   can do it for you), sign up for a Gmail (Googlemail) account at
   Gmail gives you a 2.6 Gb POP box and authenticated SMTP -- so after
   the account has been set up, you never have to use the webmail
   Although Gmail rejects .exe attachments, it is ACCMAIL-friendly in
   every other way (and it accepts attachments of type .exe.NNN).

::: SZS :::

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