Hello accmailers ...

Our www4mail server at szs.net has been running for
about 15 months now. On the whole, there have been very
few problems. Thanks to the help we have received from
Perl coders on this list, we think it is now one of the
most reliable ACCMAIL resources.

This is a good opportunity to remind our users --
especially new users -- of our attitude to pornography
and cracks/wares sites. It's a Zero Tolerance policy!

That means if you attempt to access porn or illegal
sites, you will be permanently banned from using
www4mail at szs.net -- even if you only do it once, and
even if you fail, you will be banned. Also our policy is
retrospective -- if we discover an attempt a year ago,
we will ban you now.

Banning is silent. We do not inform you that you have
been banned -- we just do it. There is NO appeal, and NO
discussion. We make sure that email from banned
addresses is discarded, so we never see it.

Furthermore, we ensure that banned addresses have no
privacy. We do not keep access logs for very long, but
we filter banned addresses into a permanent log, so we
have a record of all attempts to abuse this service.

At one time, we were tempted to ban all users from
Russia and Ukraine (most offenders are from those two
countries), but now we are pleased we did not take this
drastic step.

In practice, abusers are a small minority -- less than
40, far fewer than we had been warned. Nevertheless, our
Zero Tolerance policy is the reason this service still

Nearly everybody uses it responsibly, and we are
especially pleased that it is being used by so many
students and staff of universities, hospitals and
medical schools, and by ordinary citizens of countries
where access to the WWW is problematic. That is what our
www4mail is for, and we will keep it going for as long
as we can.

I think we have made our point!

::: SZS :::

To contribute to the discussion, email to accmail@listserv.aol.com
To unsubscribe, email to the *admin* address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL as the message body.
WWW: http://emailonly.szs.net/

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