On 4 Apr 2008 at 0:40, Mike Webb wrote:

> I'm genuinely curious as to why  someone with webmail
> or POP3/SMTP email access might have a need for
> ACCMAIL services. Maybe there's an angle I'm not aware of.

I answer by doing mine your words.
Regards, passe-partout

Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 00:54:52 -0500
From: Mike Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ACCMAIL] ACCMAILing Yahoo Email

Nostalgia in part, plus keeping up to date for those occasional 
tasks that STILL may need to be accomplished by ACCMAIL methods.)

I remember the days when people did incredibly ingenious things on
websites thru ACCMAIL methods. Are any of those folks still here?

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