On 16 Sep 2008 at 8:11, Damian V.B. wrote:
> well, a lot of files ultimately I tried to download, cause this
> problem... (I worried about this)
> For example, try this url...
> http://home.casema.nl/eugene_plotnikov/SMS_lng.rar
> The file always returns with " .asc "

Damian is right about this!
I have never noticed this before.
Is it only '.rar' files that cause this problem?

I have had a quick look at the Perl source code and
configuration files, and have found no clues. The
string '.asc' does not appear anywhere! I guess the
cause might be outside the www4mail script -- perhaps
an operating system side-effect (the OS is Debian).

I have given this problem top priority for a fix, but
I cannot say when that fix might happen. Sun Zoom
Spark is *very* busy right now!

Does anyone else have any ideas?
Any Linux specialists on board?

::: SZS :::

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