2009/8/14 Jan Wagemakers <jan.wagemak...@gmail.com>:

> I have just tested it and indeed it is not working. It seems that at the
> moment there is a problem with the proxy-server that I use. I'll try to
> figure out a more reliable way.
> I'll keep you informed. And hey, thanks for testing! :-)

OK, I have changed some things here, so it should be working again.


Send a mail to www AT dommel.be with in the subject-line

send txt http://www.some.url/index.html

to receive a webpage in txt-format


Send a mail to www AT dommel.be with in the subject-line

send pdf http://www.some.url/index.html

to receive a webpage in pdf-format

Some notes :

- putting your text in the body will not work.
- "send pdf www.some.url.index.html" without the http://-part will not work.
- Spaces are important: "send pdf    http://www.some.url/index.htm"; will
  not work.
- BTW, replace "http://www.some.url/index.html"; with a real webpage ;-)
- if you have done everything right and it still doesn't work, then it is
  probably a problem here. Just send a mail to me and I try to fix it.

Thanks for testing. Have fun! :-)

Met vriendelijke groetjes         - Jan Wagemakers -

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