Hi Ludwig and ACE ML,

Thank you very much Ludwig for your effort,
I have not yet read the new version of the draft, but I already had
some thoughts about the "Client Token" (CT) concept, so I give a
partial response to your questions (also in the hope to trigger the
discussion on the ML):

a) I think the Use Case the CT is trying to solve is VERY relevant.
b) I think is a reasonable solution; I need to study it more to give a
full answer, but as a starting point seems to be the tool to solve the
problem. Another concern I have is to analyze how this will impact
interaction will vanilla OAuth 2.0 entities (as you mentioned).
c) -

Thank you very much for the Java implementation! Lots lots lots of
work I imagine. I will try to test it and give feedback.

Regards, and have a good weekend


On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 9:37 AM, Ludwig Seitz <lud...@sics.se> wrote:
> Hello ACE,
> I have posted an update of our draft, please see the changelog for what has
> been updated.
> I am in the middle of implementing this, and I'd encourage others to do so
> as well (https://bitbucket.org/lseitz/ace-java).
> I would also welcome review comments, especially on the Client Token (CT)
> concept which is probably the most radical change wrt vanilla OAuth 2.0. I
> would like you to specially  consider the following questions:
> a.) Do you think the usecase for CT is valid?
> b.) Do you think CT is a reasonable solution for the usecase?
> (alternative solutions or suggestions for improvement are welcome)
> c.) Should the CT (or an alternative solution) be part of this draft or
> should it be a separate draft (or none at all)?
> Regards,
> Ludwig
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-05.txt
> has been successfully submitted by Ludwig Seitz and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Name:           draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz
> Revision:       05
> Title:          Authentication and Authorization for Constrained
> Environments (ACE)
> Document date:  2017-02-03
> Group:          ace
> Pages:          62
> URL: https://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-05.txt
> Status:         https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz/
> Htmlized:       https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-05
> Diff: https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-05
> Abstract:
>    This specification defines a framework for authentication and
>    authorization in Internet of Things (IoT) environments.  The
>    framework is based on a set of building blocks including OAuth 2.0
>    and CoAP, thus making a well-known and widely used authorization
>    solution suitable for IoT devices.  Existing specifications are used
>    where possible, but where the constraints of IoT devices require it,
>    extensions are added and profiles are defined.
> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
> until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.
> The IETF Secretariat
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