It has been pointed out to me that I was incorrect when I thought that the TLA 
for the WG was SET.  It should be secevent.





From: Samuel Erdtman [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2017 10:58 PM
To: Jim Schaad <>
Cc:; ace <>
Subject: Re: [Ace] Review of draft-ietf-ace-cbor-web-token-03


Thanks for the review Jim,

See inline comments


On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 5:03 AM, Jim Schaad <> wrote:

Given that it was stated that the authors believe that the document was
ready for publication, I decided to do another review pass.

1.  Following the discussion in the SET WG meeting, I believe that it would
be reasonable to define some inputs for the external data fields to allow
for distinguishing between the different uses of JWT structures.  Language
about different applications extending this structure would also be


I was not part of that discussion, could you please link to some resource or 
notes from that meeting.


2.  I do not know if the authors looked at changing the Type3StringOrURI so
that it would explicitly tag URIs or not.  I do no remember seeing any
discussions on the list but have not gone back to search


We have no looked at changing this. Is there any good motivation for actually 
doing this change?


3.  I find the description of Type6NumericDate to be slightly confusing as
it appears to imply that this is not using a numeric value when it does.


I think the idea is to say that it is not a JSON number but a CBOR number. I 
have added a ticket to look at the wording.


4.  The authors need to look at their use of Type6NumericDate and determine
if this is what they really want to do.  All of the examples are incorrect
because of this tag usage.


Examples should be updated, see below


5.  After the discussions in the SET group, do the authors which to
re-consider the MUST ignore statement in the first paragraph of section 3?


I have not seen the SET group discussion could you please link to it.


6.  The string "6 tag value 1" is normally written as "6.1" when looking at
pretty-printed CBOR diagnostics.   This would be clearer than what is

Good input, I have create an issue to update this,

7.  The text should be altered to use a TBD for the CWT tag rather than
using a constant so this is highlighted.


Good input, I have create an issue to update this,


8.  The note for step 5 in section 6.1 is problematic from a number of
things.  A) AEAD algorithms are required, so it is not clear that the
recommendation makes sense.  B) there is a big difference between signing
and MACing in terms of the amount and type of integrity provided.  Replacing
signing w/ AEAD loses a lot.


I think you are correct and I have considered removing it, I added in in an 
early attempt to be smart.

I have added a issue to evaluate the value of this statement and remove if 
considered useless.


9.  Step 6 in section 6.1 does not agree w/ the language in section 5.  MUST
vs maybe.


I see your point. I have added a ticket to look over the create and verify 
steps to make sure they are consistent.


10.  In starting to verify the examples I ran across the following two

a) The hex string and the diagnostic notation are equivalent, but they are
not the same.  Specifically, the order of claims is not the same.  CBOR.ME 

{2: "erikw", 3: "coap:// <> ", 4: 
1444064944, 5: 1443944944, 6:
1443944944, 1: "coap:// <> ", 7: h'0b71'}


I have create a issue to make them the same to make reading and testing easier,


b) The encoding of some of the claims is incorrect according to the
document.  It should be


You are correct, I have added an issue to update,


{ 1: "coap:// <> ", 2: "erikw", 3: 
"coap:// <> ", 4:
1(1444064944), 5: 1(1443944944), 6: 1(1443944944),7: h'0b71'}


a7                                      # map(7)
   01                                   # unsigned(1)
   75                                   # text(21)
      636f61703a2f2f61732e6578616d706c652e636f6d # "coap:// 
<> "
   02                                   # unsigned(2)
   65                                   # text(5)
      6572696b77                        # "erikw"
   03                                   # unsigned(3)
   78 18                                # text(24)
      636f61703a2f2f6c696768742e6578616d706c652e636f6d #
"coap:// <> "
   04                                   # unsigned(4)
   c1                                   # tag(1)
      1a 5612aeb0                       # unsigned(1444064944)
   05                                   # unsigned(5)
   c1                                   # tag(1)
      1a 5610d9f0                       # unsigned(1443944944)
   06                                   # unsigned(6)
   c1                                   # tag(1)
      1a 5610d9f0                       # unsigned(1443944944)
   07                                   # unsigned(7)
   42                                   # bytes(2)
      0b71                              # "\vq"

Note the additional tagging which is required.

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