[chair hat off]

Hi all,

I took a look at the draft and noticed a few minor things:

- The document should talk about "profiles" rather than "profile" since
it specifies at least two profiles, namely the RPK and the PSK profiles
with DTLS. I suspect an implementation is only expected to implement one
of them rather than both.

- Editorial comment: most of the articles are missing, which makes the
document harder to read.

- AS discovery: Wouldn't the client need to know the AS upfront when
using RPK and PSK (since it has to share a PSK with the AS or, in case
of the RPK, has to have the RPK with the server exchanged out of band)?

- There are two options provided for conveying the access token to the
RS, either either a dedicated endpoint or inband within the DTLS
exchange. There are pros and cons regarding the usage of both; is the
idea to settle with one approach in the end or do you envision both
options to be available in the final version of the specification.

- Regarding the dynamic update of authorization information. Since the
access token is a PoP token I believe you will have to demonstrate the
possession of the key every time you change the access token. (Section
2.4 gives me a different impression.)

- When the access token is conveyed inband in DTLS as part of the
PSK_identity then the text on page 12 is applicable. The description in
CDDL format confuses me. Normally, it should be quite simple: either you
transmit a psk_identity field or you convey the access token. The server
would figure it out. Is this just a complicated way to express this
semantic or do you have something else in mind?
(Btw, my understanding is that the server does not need to send a
illegal_parameter alert when it the psk_identity does not lead to a
successful authentication. Is this your suggestion or is this taken from

- What is the reasoning behind this statement:

   "This specification mandates that at least the key derivation
   algorithm "HKDF SHA-256" as defined in [I-D.ietf-cose-msg] MUST be

I would have assumed at the session key provided by the AS to the client
and the key embedded in the access token is used directly within TLS as
a PSK.

- Could you explain this statement:
   If the security association with RS still exists and RS has indicated
   support for session renegotiation according to [RFC5746], the new
   Access Token MAY be used to renegotiate the existing DTLS session.
   In this case, the Access Token is used as "psk_identity" as defined
   in Section 4.1.  The Client MAY also perform a new DTLS handshake
   according to Section 4.1 that replaces the existing DTLS session.

What are you trying to accomplish? Do you expect authorization
information to change frequently? What security association are you
talking about in the paragraph above?


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