Hi all,

I just (belatedly) posted a draft agenda to the datatracker
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/agenda-101-ace/), also copied
below.  Please holler if there are obvious bugs, you requested time
but didn't get a response, etc.

I know it's a little bit of short notice, but to the speakers:
please get some form of slides to the chairs this week (before
Saturday) so that we can look over them in advance.  We should not
be scrambling on Monday morning!


for the chairs


ACE WG IETF 101, Monday March 19, 2018 0930h-1200h (2.5h)

Chairs -- Note Well and agenda bashing, 5min
Chairs -- document status update, 5min

Mike -- draft-ietf-ace-cwt-proof-of-possession, 10min

Peter -- draft-ietf-ace-coap-est, 10min
Gőran -- draft-selander-ace-coap-est-oscore, 5min

Ludwig -- draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz, 10min
Ludwig -- draft-ietf-ace-dtls-authorize, 5min 
Ludwig -- draft-ietf-ace-oscore-profile, 5min

Marco -- draft-tiloca-ace-oscoap-joining, 10min
Francesca -- draft-palombini-ace-key-groupcomm, 10min

Gőran -- key exchange for OSCORE (EDHOC vs. TLS-OSCORE), 15min
Gőran -- scope of authorization work, 30min

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