Here is my usual eclectic condensed agenda based on the DRAFT AGENDA
for IETF102.  Remember that there is still quite some potential for

ACE vs. DISPATCH seems to become a common occurrance; at this rate,
I'll probably never see a DISPATCH meeting again.  CBOR vs. 6LO is
maybe just a personal problem for me, throwing in TEEP on top is a bit
weird, though.  6TISCH vs. SUIT is probably painful for the few
individuals who care about security in both.

All times are EDT (UTC-0400).  (You can get pure UTC times on, for those who want to
listen from remote.)

Grüße, Carsten

-- Hackathon (including various interops) (Centre Ville)
-- Sun 1800-2000: HotRFC (Viger)

MONDAY, July 16, 2018

0930-1200  Morning Session I
Duluth          ART     dispatch        Dispatch WG - Joint with ARTAREA
Laurier         INT     6man    IPv6 Maintenance WG
Place du Canada RTG     detnet  Deterministic Networking WG
Viger           SEC *** ace     Authentication and Authorization for 
Constrained Environments WG

1330-1530  Afternoon Session I
Viger           INT     ipwave  IP Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments WG
Place du Canada SEC     tls     Transport Layer Security WG

1550-1750  Afternoon Session II
Viger           ART *** core    Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Place du Canada INT     intarea Internet Area Working Group WG

1810-1940  Afternoon Session III
Laurier         GEN     rfcplusplus     The label "RFC" BOF

TUESDAY, July 17, 2018

0930-1200  Morning Session I
Place du Canada IRTF    irtfopen        IRTF Open Meeting
St-Paul/St-Cath RTG     babel   Babel routing protocol WG
Duluth          RTG *** roll    Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG

1330-1530  Afternoon Session I
Duluth          ART *** cbor    Concise Binary Object Representation 
Maintenance and Extensions WG
Van Horne       INT *** 6lo     IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained 
Nodes WG
Laurier         RTG     rtgarea Routing Area Open Meeting
Viger           SEC *** teep    Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG

1550-1820  Afternoon Session II
Place du Canada ART     httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol WG
Viger           IRTF    cfrg    Crypto Forum  - 1720 - 1820
Centre Ville    IRTF    icnrg   Information-Centric Networking
Van Horne       SEC     acme    Automated Certificate Management Environment WG 
- 1720 - 1820
Van Horne       SEC     oauth   Web Authorization Protocol WG - 1550 - 1720
Duluth          TSV     taps    Transport Services WG

WEDNESDAY, July 18, 2018

0930-1200  Morning Session I
Van Horne       OPS     anima   Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and 
Approach WG
St-Paul/St-Cath RTG     bier    Bit Indexed Explicit Replication WG
Duluth          SEC     secdispatch     Security Dispatch WG
Place du Canada TSV     quic    QUIC WG

1330-1500  Afternoon Session I
Laurier         ART     httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol WG
Van Horne       INT *** 6tisch  IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e WG
Centre Ville    SEC *** suit    Software Updates for Internet of Things WG

1520-1650  Afternoon Session II
Centre Ville    INT     homenet Home Networking WG
Viger           TSV     tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting

THURSDAY, July 19, 2018

0930-1200  Morning Session I
Duluth          INT     dnssd   Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery  
Centre Ville    INT *** lpwan   IPv6 over Low Power Wide-Area Networks WG
Place du Canada IRTF    maprg   Measurement and Analysis for Protocols
Viger           SEC     mls     Messaging Layer Security WG
Van Horne       SEC     oauth   Web Authorization Protocol WG - 0930 - 1100

1330-1530  Afternoon Session I
Centre Ville    OPS     v6ops   IPv6 Operations WG
Viger           RTG     rift    Routing In Fat Trees WG
Place du Canada SEC     saag    Security Area Open Meeting

1550-1750  Afternoon Session II
Viger           IRTF*** t2trg   Thing-to-Thing
Duluth          OPS     driu    DNS Resolver Identification and Use BOF
Centre Ville    TSV     tsvwg   Transport Area Working Group WG

1810-1910  Afternoon Session III
Van Horne       ART *** core    Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Place du Canada SEC     tls     Transport Layer Security WG
Centre Ville    TSV     tsvwg   Transport Area Working Group WG

FRIDAY, July 20, 2018

0930-1130  Morning Session I
Duluth          IRTF*** dinrg   Decentralized Internet Infrastructure Proposed 
Place du Canada OPS     v6ops   IPv6 Operations WG
St-Paul/St-Cath TSV     rmcat   RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques WG

1150-1320  Afternoon Session I
Duluth          INT *** lwig    Light-Weight Implementation Guidance WG
Laurier         IRTF    panrg   Path Aware Networking Proposed RG
Centre Ville    SEC     tokbind Token Binding WG

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