From: Peter van der Stok <> 
Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 1:01 AM
To: Jim Schaad <>
Cc:;; 'ace' 
Subject: Re: [Ace] Review draft-ietf-ace-coap-est



* In section 4.1 I have a question about what you are using for payload content 
encoding.  Part of this might just be a question of how you plan to move from 
ASN.1 to CBOR at some point in the future.  I think that it would necessitate 
doing new media-types in that event.  You appear to be doing a CBOR bstr 
wrapping on the ASN.1 encoding payload.  I don't believe that there is any 
reason for doing this.  I would expect that the payload would be the ASN.1 w/o 
any ASN.1.  It is highly possible that I am just mis-reading what the text says 
and this is what you say.


What I wanted to do, and did not express very well.

Keep the ASN.1 structure of the payload; (re-using code)

Use straight binary coding instead of the base64-encoded (30% payload reduction)

Wrap the binary in a CBOR major type 2 h'xxx' notation. (compatibility with 

Not sure if this needs a new media type, the http content-coding and 
transfer-coding registries were not very helpful.


[JLS]  I do not believe that the wrapping of content with the CBOR binary text 
wrapping is needed at this point.  If that is needed for the multi-part 
wrapping, then it is the job of the multi-part wrapping to deal with this 
problem.  Multipart needs to be able to say I have a multipart of <plain text, 
json> neither of which are CBOR objects.  Therefor there is no reason for you 
to use a CBOR wrapper for this and not just use the binary value.


You are right of course, the CBOR wrapping is not needed outside the multipart 
media type.
However, CBOR wrapping for all payloads, reduces the choices when decoding the 
payload; They all start the same.
And it adds 2-3 bytes on many.

[JLS]  I don’t follow this at all.  How I read this statement is

I have a binary value and I need to look at the content type to figure out what 
ASN.1 structure it is and decode it.  This is very hard.  So I am going to 
change this to

I need to look at the content type to figure out that I have a CBOR bstring 
value.  It is easy to remove the CBOR bstring value.  I now have a binary value 
and I need to look at the content type to figure out what ASN.1 structure it is 
and decode it.  This is somehow easier.


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