Just one minor note -- this is a great discussion to see happening!

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 04:43:14PM +0200, Ludwig Seitz wrote:
> On 22/10/2018 21:09, Jim Schaad wrote:
> > * Section 5.8.2 - If the RS is going to do introspection, can it send some
> > type of "Server Busy - try again in xxx" while it does the introspection
> > rather than just doing an ack of the request and possibly waiting a long
> > time?
> This is probably transport protocol specific, and we were asked not to 
> link the framework to a specific protocol, thus I don't know if we can 
> provide guidance here.

I think it would be okay to say something like "some transport protocols
may provide a way to indicate that the server is busy and the client should
retry after an interval; this type of status update would be appropriate
while the server is waiting for an introspection response".  Which does
provide guidance, but in a non-normative fashion that does not require or
prohibit any given transport protocol.


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