Hi Hannes,

On 12/15/2018 04:04 PM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
> Hi Steffi,
> ~snip~
>> I also think that the client must be able to assume that RS' RPK that C 
>> receives from AS is also valid as long as the token, unless C has additional 
>> information.
> I would think that it is rather unlikely that the RS will change its 
> public/private key pair so quickly. Right?

I don't really know what you mean with "quickly". Access tokens may be
valid for a long time, depending on the application scenario. Also, RS
may already have its RPK for a while at the time when AS generates the
access token. RPKs do not contain semantic information and C may not
have additional information about the RPK. Therefore, C must be able to
assume that the RS' RPK is valid as long as the access token.

>> The access information optionally can contain an expires_in field. It would 
>> help to prevent security breaches under the following conditions:
> 1. the keying material is valid as long as the ticket, 2. the expires_in 
> field is present in the access information that AS sends to C, 3. the client 
> checks the expires_in field when it gets the access information from the AS, 
> and 4. the client checks if the keying material is still valid each time 
> before it sends a request to RS.
> These checks make sense to me.
>> Without these steps, the confidentiality of the request data that C sends to 
>> RS may be breached, and C may communicate with the wrong RS using outdated 
>> keying material.
> Not sure how you came to this conclusion. Why is the request sent by the C to 
> the RS revealed to an attacker when the token expires?

I did not refer to the token, but to the keying material for RS that AS
provides to C. If it is outdated, it may have been compromised.

Viele Grüße

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