Thanks Ben.

I addressed your content-format order comment in the next iteration of the 
draft by saying 

>   The two representations (each consisting of two CBOR array items) do 
>   not have to be in a particular order since each representation is 
>   preceeded by its Content-Format ID.


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Kaduk <> 
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:08 PM
To: Panos Kampanakis (pkampana) <>
Cc: Klaus Hartke <>; Jim Schaad <>;
Subject: Re: [Ace] WGLC for draft-ietf-ace-coap-est

On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 09:00:05PM +0000, Panos Kampanakis (pkampana) wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> Thanks for the thorough review. 
> All your issues identified are tracked here 
> Aissue+%22Klaus+WGLC%22 . We tried to address all of them. The fixes 
> we are putting in are spelled out in the github issues themselves. The 
> actual latest version of the draft is 
> oap-est.txt
> After proof reading the draft one more time we will upload early next week. 
> Below I am answering some of the questions you asked in your review. 
> > 4. -- Is this section about the generated certificates or the DTLS 
> > connection between the client and the server? If the latter, this section 
> > is weird, because RFC 7252 already does define MTI cipher suites and 
> > extensions, and I see no reason why an application layered on top of CoAP 
> > needs to restate all of that.
> This section describes how the (D)TLS profile defined in RFC7925 is used by 
> EST-coaps. It was asked by the original ACE co-chair to show conformance with 
> ACE profiles.  It touches on the client server authentication, the tunnel 
> ciphersuites. It explains how the EST-coaps data exchange is secured thereby 
> preventing eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. We wanted to spell 
> out for implementers which parts of RFC7925 they should take into 
> consideration instead of just pointing them to RFC7925 or RFC7252 etc. 
> > 4. "The authentication of the EST-coaps client MUST be with a client 
> > certificate in the DTLS handshake." -- Why? Why can't a client communicate 
> > with a server using any other secure mechanism with client authentication? 
> > Or is this just the MTI mechansim?
> The issue is that EST mandates HTTP Basic or Digest Auth and/or client cert 
> auth. HTTP Auth is not defined for COAP application as far as we know. So, 
> for EST-coaps, the only viable authentication method is mutual cert auth. 
> Other client auth methods could be defined, but are outside the scope of this 
> draft. 

I think there is enough flexibility in our specifying a "new transport for EST" 
that we do not need to be strictly bound to the EST-mandated authentication 
mechanisms.  That said, I'm not sure I have any other options handy than mutual 
cert auth...

> > 5.1. "Arbitrary Labels are usually defined and used by EST CAs in order to 
> > route client requests to the appropriate certificate profile." -- I assume 
> > that a client needs to construct URIs from the well-known path 
> > "/.well-known/est", the Arbitrary Label and one of the suffixes. How does a 
> > client determine which Arbitrary Label to use?
> That is configured on the client out of band depending on the CA that 
> generates the certs. It is outside the scope of EST or EST-coaps. 
> > 5.1. "The EST-coaps server URIs, obtained through discovery of the 
> > EST-coaps root resource(s) as shown below, are of the form:" -- If a client 
> > discovers the URIs from "/.well-known/core" (annotated with "ace.est.crts", 
> > "ace.est.sen", etc.), is this table 1 still needed? If not, I would 
> > recommend that only the 'rt'  values are standardized ("ace.est.crts", 
> > "ace.est.sen", etc.) and all paths are left to the implementation, in 
> > accordance with BCP 190.
> We intend to require /.well-known URIs so that resource discovery is not 
> mandatory for pre-configured client deployments. Discovery is optional when 
> non-default URIs are needed to save URI space. Feel free to check the text in 
> where I edited the 
> resource discovery text to make it clearer. 
> > 5.1. "Discoverable port numbers MAY be returned in the <href> of the 
> > payload [I-D.ietf-core-resource-directory]." -- What does this mean?
> > And what does Resource Directory have to do with EST?
> We needed a way to be able tell the client that the resource is hosted 
> on another port but the reference to  I-D.ietf-core-resource-directory 
> is removed after Jim last WGLC We no longer use anchors, just an href 
> in the payload. Check out 
> > 5.2. "Table 2 specifies the mandatory-to-implement or optional 
> > implementation of the est-coaps functions." -- How does a client discover 
> > which functions are implemented?
> Client pre-configuration or optionally resource discovery. We added a 
> reference to the discovery section. 
> > 5.3. "Content-Format TBD287 can be used in place of 281" -- It's a bit 
> > difficult to see what TBD287 and 281 mean without scrolling all the way 
> > down and scrolling back up. Maybe include the table here to make the 
> > section easier to read?
> I don't think that is necessary as we are stating that TBD287 and 281 "to 
> carry a single certificate instead of a PKCS#7 container in a /crts, /sen, 
> /sren or /skg response ". Also there is a reference to the IANA section in 
> the paragraph above. 
> > 5.7. "After a delay of Max-Age, the client SHOULD resend the identical CSR 
> > to the server." -- Just for my understanding: Does the submission of a 
> > specific CSR always lead to the same output, or can it happen (e.g., if the 
> > client submits an identical CSR weeks or months later) that the client 
> > would get a different output?
> Submitting the same CSR will likely give the client a different output. The 
> reason is that the server cert profile may have changed, but more importantly 
> the issued certificate will have a different lifetime and thus signature 
> value. 
> > 5.7. "... or the client abandons for other reasons." -- Does the client 
> > need to signal in some way when it wants to abandon?
> When the server asks the client to come back in x amount of time, it does not 
> keep state of the client and thus will not care if he returns or not. So, we 
> don't need to require the client to signal that he is giving up. 
> > 5.8. "containing a CBOR array with four items Section 5.3" -- Do the two 
> > representations (each consisting of two CBOR array items) have to be in a 
> > particular order or can they appear in any order?
> Any order is fine, since the you can tell what format each representation 
> carries. 

This sort of detail is good to have stated clearly in the document.


> > 6. "In a constrained CoAP environment, endpoints can't always afford to 
> > establish a DTLS connection for every EST transaction." -- I'm not aware of 
> > any requirement that says CoAP clients must establish a new DTLS connection 
> > for every request...
> EST mandates using a new truststore after a cacerts request which most 
> usually means a new TLS connection. We can't always require the client to do 
> that in a constrained environment and thus this text. 
> > I didn't review the appendices.
> Pity, we are sure you could still uncover nits in there. 
> Rgs,
> Panos
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ace <> On Behalf Of Klaus Hartke
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 12:38 PM
> To: Jim Schaad <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Ace] WGLC for draft-ietf-ace-coap-est
> Jim Schaad wrote:
> > The chairs believe that the EST over CoAP draft is nearing the point 
> > it should be sent to the IESG for publication.  We are therefore 
> > going to have a Working Group Last Call on this document.  WGLC will 
> > until 29th of this month.  Please review the document and send 
> > comments both positive and negative to the list about its state.
> I've performed a quick review of draft-ietf-ace-coap-est-08. Sorry for being 
> late to the party.
> 2. "Therefore, this specification utilizes DTLS [RFC6347], CoAP [RFC7252] and 
> UDP instead of TLS [RFC8446], HTTP [RFC7230] and TCP."
> -- Is there a technical reason why EST could not be done over CoAP over TCP, 
> TLS, WebSockets, or SMS?
> I understand that it was fashionable at some point to fork a protocol like 
> HTTP, layer some stuff on top of it and call it a new protocol.
> However, I would strongly recommend that EST-coaps is presented as an 
> application that is strictly layered on top of CoAP and doesn't define its 
> own custom protocol stack.
> 4. -- Is this section about the generated certificates or the DTLS connection 
> between the client and the server? If the latter, this section is weird, 
> because RFC 7252 already does define MTI cipher suites and extensions, and I 
> see no reason why an application layered on top of CoAP needs to restate all 
> of that.
> 4. "The authentication of the EST-coaps client MUST be with a client 
> certificate in the DTLS handshake." -- Why? Why can't a client communicate 
> with a server using any other secure mechanism with client authentication? Or 
> is this just the MTI mechansim?
> 5.1. The use of the well-known path "/.well-known/est" seems to follow the 
> letter of BCP 190 but not the spirit. I don't see any reason why a well-known 
> path is needed here. In fact, as the section emphasizes, short paths are 
> important and an implementation will there likely want to do the 
> "/.well-known/core"-based discovery of URIs. I would recommend that the 
> entire use of "/.well-known/est" is dropped.
> 5.1. "Arbitrary Labels are usually defined and used by EST CAs in order to 
> route client requests to the appropriate certificate profile." -- I assume 
> that a client needs to construct URIs from the well-known path 
> "/.well-known/est", the Arbitrary Label and one of the suffixes. How does a 
> client determine which Arbitrary Label to use?
> 5.1. "The EST-coaps server URIs, obtained through discovery of the EST-coaps 
> root resource(s) as shown below, are of the form:" -- If a client discovers 
> the URIs from "/.well-known/core" (annotated with "ace.est.crts", 
> "ace.est.sen", etc.), is this table 1 still needed? If not, I would recommend 
> that only the 'rt'  values are standardized ("ace.est.crts", "ace.est.sen", 
> etc.) and all paths are left to the implementation, in accordance with BCP 
> 190.
> 5.1. "Clients and servers MUST support the short resource URIs. The 
> corresponding longer URIs from [RFC7030] MAY be supported." -- Does this 
> provide any benefit or is it just to annoy implementers? Like, we can have 
> short paths, we can have long paths, we cannot decide, so let's have ALL OF 
> 5.1. "In the context of CoAP, the presence and location of (path to) the 
> management data are discovered by sending a GET request to 
> "/.well-known/core" including a resource type (RT) parameter with the value 
> "ace.est" -- I understand that EST defines the operations on the resources 
> labeled with annotated with "ace.est.crts", "ace.est.sen", etc. but I don't 
> understand what I can do with a resource that is annotated with "ace.est".
> 5.1. "The first line of the discovery response above MUST be included.
> The five consecutive lines after the first MAY be included." -- When would I 
> include what?
> 5.1. "The return of the content types allows the client to choose the most 
> appropriate one." -- Does the example actually match what a server returns? 
> E.g., does ct="62 280 284 281 TBD287" mean that a server actually returns a 
> TBD287 representation or would it always be a 62 (multipart) representation 
> that happens to contain a TBD287 representation?
> 5.1. "Port numbers, not returned in the example, are assumed to be the 
> default numbers 5683 and 5684 for CoAP and CoAPS respectively" -- No need to 
> make any assumptions. This is exactly what RFC 7252 specifies.
> Please don't make any normative statements that just repeat (or
> contradict) what RFC 7252 says.
> 5.1. "Discoverable port numbers MAY be returned in the <href> of the payload 
> [I-D.ietf-core-resource-directory]." -- What does this mean?
> And what does Resource Directory have to do with EST?
> 5.1. " The server MUST support the default /.well-known/est server root 
> resource and port 5684." -- As said above, I would drop this entirely.
> 5.1. "Resource discovery is necessary when the IP address of the server is 
> unknown to the client." -- Assuming that "resource directory" refers to 
> "/.well-known/core"-based discovery of URIs, then this is wrong. If the IP 
> address of a server is not known, then a client cannot retrieve the 
> "/.well-known/core" of that server.
> 5.2. "Table 2 specifies the mandatory-to-implement or optional implementation 
> of the est-coaps functions." -- How does a client discover which functions 
> are implemented?
> 5.3. "Content-Format TBD287 can be used in place of 281" -- It's a bit 
> difficult to see what TBD287 and 281 mean without scrolling all the way down 
> and scrolling back up. Maybe include the table here to make the section 
> easier to read?
> 5.3. "If an Accept Option is not included in the request, the client is not 
> expressing any preference and the server SHOULD choose format 281.  If the 
> preferred Content-Format cannot be returned, the server MUST send a 4.06 (Not 
> Acceptable) response, unless another error code takes precedence for the 
> response [RFC7252]." -- Please don't make any normative statements that 
> repeat (or contradict) what RFC 7252 says.
> 5.3. "*application/multipart-core*" -- Formatting missing?
> 5.3. "The collection is encoded as a CBOR array [RFC7049] with an even number 
> of elements. ..." -- This is already described in 
> [I-D.ietf-core-multipart-ct]. Is there any reason why the text needs to be 
> duplicated?
> 5.4. "All EST-coaps messages expect a response from the server, thus the 
> client MUST send the requests over confirmable CON CoAP messages."
> -- The use of confirmable messages for requests is completely unrelated to 
> whether a response is expected or not. Also, it is entirely inappropriate for 
> an application layered on top of CoAP to mandate the message type.
> 5.4. "The Ver, TKL, Token, and Message ID values of the CoAP header are not 
> affected by EST." -- And it would be entirely inappropriate if they were. So 
> I'm not sure what to do with this information.
> 5.4. "The CoAP Options used are Uri-Host, Uri-Path, Uri-Port, Content-Format, 
> Accept and Location-Path." -- Of course, a server must be prepared to receive 
> requests that include other kinds of options (such as "ETag" or "If-Match") 
> and handle these in accordance to RFC 7252.
> 5.4. "The CoAP Options used are Uri-Host, Uri-Path, Uri-Port, Content-Format, 
> Accept and Location-Path." -- The Block options seem to be missing.
> 5.4. "The Uri-Host and Uri-Port Options are optional." -- No, these options 
> are not optional. They just can be encoded very efficiently (in 0 bytes) if 
> they happen to have their default value.
> 5.4. "They are usually omitted as the DTLS destination and port are 
> sufficient." -- No. The default values of the options are the IP destination 
> address and UDP port, respectively (in CoAP-over-UDP).
> 5.4. "Alternatively, if a UDP port to a server is blocked, someone could send 
> the DTLS packets to a known open port on the server and use the Uri-Port to 
> convey the intended port he is attempting to reach."
> -- Where is that coming from? Sounds extremely weird.
> 5.5. "Response code HTTP 202 Retry-After that existed in EST" -- HTTP doesn't 
> have response codes. And there is no status code named "Retry-After" in HTTP.
> 5.5. "Moreover, if the Content-Format requested in the client Accept Option, 
> is not supported the server MUST return a 4.06 (Not Acceptable), unless 
> another error code takes precedence for the response." -- Please don't make 
> any normative statements that repeat (or contradict) what RFC 7252 says.
> 5.7. "In particular, a slow server can respond to an EST-coaps enrollment 
> request with an empty ACK with code 0.00, before sending the certificate to 
> the server after a short delay." -- ...before sending the certificate to the 
> *client*?
> 5.7. "After a delay of Max-Age, the client SHOULD resend the identical CSR to 
> the server." -- Just for my understanding: Does the submission of a specific 
> CSR always lead to the same output, or can it happen (e.g., if the client 
> submits an identical CSR weeks or months later) that the client would get a 
> different output?
> 5.7. "... or the client abandons for other reasons." -- Does the client need 
> to signal in some way when it wants to abandon?
> 5.8. "containing a CBOR array with four items Section 5.3" -- Missing word 
> between 'items' and 'Section'
> 5.8. "containing a CBOR array with four items Section 5.3" -- Do the two 
> representations (each consisting of two CBOR array items) have to be in a 
> particular order or can they appear in any order?
> 6. "DTLS Transport Protocol" -- This section seems to have the same topic as 
> section 4. Merge section 4 into section 6?
> 6. "In a constrained CoAP environment, endpoints can't always afford to 
> establish a DTLS connection for every EST transaction." -- I'm not aware of 
> any requirement that says CoAP clients must establish a new DTLS connection 
> for every request...
> 6. "To alleviate this situation, an EST-coaps DTLS connection MAY remain open 
> for sequential EST transactions." -- An application layered on top of CoAP 
> shouldn't mandate a particular way in which DTLS is used.
> 8. "Parameters" -- An application layered on top of CoAP shouldn't mandate 
> CoAP congestion control parameters.
> 10.2. "This EST resource is used to query and return the supported EST 
> resources of a CoAP server." -- Is there any specification for how to query 
> and return the supported EST resources?
> I didn't review the appendices.
> Klaus
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