On 21/05/2019 22:35, Cigdem Sengul wrote:
Thank you for your comments.  I see that we tried to cover too many options in the draft, and things got mixed up.I tried to clarify inline.

    * So as a client I get a token from the AS.  For the first run,
    assume that
    it has a RPK in it.
    * I now connect to the server using TLS.
             Question #1 - Am I doing client authentication at this
    point in TLS?
    This is what is happening for all of the current profiles, but it is not
    clear that this is happening for this profile.  The answer appears to be
    both yes and no.

The basic method we were thinking:

 1. We have not assumed client-side certificates for authenticating
    clients during TLS handshake. RS uses a server-side certificate.

One quick question: If I understand it correctly there is a variant of MQTT using UDP (MQTT-SN). Since TLS and TCP are not exactly "constrained-friendly", would it make sense to look at that as well to define a "MQTT-SN-over-DTLS-based" profile?


Ludwig Seitz, PhD
Security Lab, RISE
Phone +46(0)70-349 92 51

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