Hi Ben,

Below some additional reactions to your review.
In some parts the term "suggest" is used, meaning that I am not sure of
the correctness of my reaction.
A confirmation/denial would be appreciated in those cases.
My co-authors can always improve my changes.

To-morrow I hope to do the follow-up.

many thanks,



Section 4

   As per sections 3.3 and 4.4 of [RFC7925], the mandatory cipher suite

nit: I do see RFC 7925 in the subject heading, but the lead-in here is
still a bit jarring.  Without some statement in this document to that
effect, RFC 7925 is not binding on the protocol specified in this
document, so I think it's better to say something like "In accordance
with", or even to flat out state that "this document conforms to the
DTLS 1.2 profile specified in RFC 7925". 

<pvds> done, used: In accordance with sections …  </pvds>

   DTLS 1.2 implementations must use the Supported Elliptic Curves and
   Supported Point Formats Extensions in [RFC8422].  Uncompressed point
   format must also be supported.  DTLS 1.3 [I-D.ietf-tls-dtls13]
   implementations differ from DTLS 1.2 because they do not support
   point format negotiation in favor of a single point format for each
   curve.  Thus, support for DTLS 1.3 does not mandate point format
   extensions and negotiation.

DTLS 1.3 uses the "supported_groups" extension in contrast to Supported
Elliptic Curves for 1.2; we should mention that disparity as well. 

<pvds> added at the end of the paragraph </pvds> 

   o  a previously issued client certificate (e.g., an existing
      certificate issued by the EST CA); this could be a common case for
      simple re-enrollment of clients.

Is "re-enrollment" intended to cover renewal operations? 

<pvds>RFC7030 states: "An EST client can renew/rekey its existing client
certificate by 

submitting a re-enrollment request to an EST server."

Do you want that emphasized more in the draft?

   o  a previously installed certificate (e.g., manufacturer IDevID
      [ieee802.1ar] or a certificate issued by some other party); the
      server is expected to trust that certificate.  IDevID's are

"trust" can cover a lot of things, many of which we don't really need
here; would "expected to be able to validate" suffice? 

<pvds> s/is expected to trust that certificate/ can use the certificate
for DTLS client Authentication/

   As described in Section 2.1 of [RFC5272] proof-of-identity refers to
   a value that can be used to prove that the private key corresponding
   to the public key is in the possession of and can be used by an end-
   entity or client.  Additionally, channel-binding information can link

nit: "the certified public key", I think, since the certificate is what
binds the identity to the public key.
Also, this sentence is a bit awkward, though I don't have any concrete
rewording suggestions at present. 

<pvds>s/public key/certified public key/ 

Suggestion, is this better?: "a client provides proof of identity by
proving that it possesses the private key corresponding with the
certified public key" 

   Given that after a successful enrollment, it is more likely that a
   new EST transaction will take place after a significant amount of
   time, the DTLS connections SHOULD only be kept alive for EST messages
   that are relatively close to each other.  In some cases, like NAT
   rebinding, keeping the state of a connection is not possible when
   devices sleep for extended periods of time.  In such occasions,
   [I-D.ietf-tls-dtls-connection-id] negotiates a connection ID that can
   eliminate the need for new handshake and its additional cost.

Do we also want to mention DTLS 1.3 session resumption here as less
expensive than a full handshake?  It's not as cheap as "just keep using
the same connection ID", of course, but has somewhat different other

<pvds> thanks, added: 

"additional cost; or DTLS 1.3 session resumption provides a less costly
alternative than re-doing a full DTLS handshake."

Section 5

   o  Simple enroll and re-enroll for a CA to sign public client
      identity key.

nit(?): is this "public client identity key" or "client identity public
key" or something else? 

<pvds>by reducing the txt's target, I suggest: 

s/public client identity key/client certificate/ 


   o  Certificate Signing Request (CSR) attribute messages that inform
      the client of the fields to include in a CSR.

nit: "informs" 

<pvds> yep, thanks </pvds>

   o  Server-side key generation messages to provide a private client
      identity key when the client choses so.

(similar nit(?) as above) 

<pvds>also reducing the text's target: 

s/provide a private client identity key/provide the client with a new
private key/ 


Section 5.1

With the current text, I expect us to get several IESG questions about
"why do you have both discovery and well-known URIs?".  I think we need
to treat this more prominently in the first few paragraphs of the
section, perhaps just after we discuss the short-est strings, so we
could tie into the constrained nature of things and how some devices may
need to hardcode assumptions about the endpoint location. 

<pvds> I suggest the following starting text: 

"EST-coaps is targeted for low-resource networks with small packets. Two
types of installations are possible (1)rigid ones where the address and
the supported functions of the EST server(s) are known, and (2) flexible
one where the EST server and it supported functions need to be

For both types of installations, saving header space….."


   Figure 5 in Section 3.2.2 of [RFC7030] enumerates the operations and
   corresponding paths which are supported by EST.  Table 1 provides the
   mapping from the EST URI path to the shorter EST-coaps URI path.

Our table has the entries in a different order than 7030's table. 

<pvds> correct, has been modified </pvds> 

We also don't say anything about the (lack of the) fullcmc endpoint. 

<pvds>/fullcmc is added in the table with "n.a." as short value </pvds> 

The serverkeygen endpoints could perhaps have some notation to indicate
that the private key is always returned, in addition to the PKCS#7 vs.
pkix-cert question that distinguishes skg and skc. 

<pvds>after "…..an /skc request.", the following text is added: 

"In both cases a private key MUST be returned." 


   The /skg message is the EST /serverkeygen equivalent where the client
   requests for a certificate in PKCS#7 format and a private key.  If

nit: s/requests for a/requests a/ 


   Clients and servers MUST support the short resource EST-coaps URIs.

Are they expected to also support the long EST URIs over CoAP? 

<pvds> It was undecided whether we should add: 

"The corresponding longer URIs from <xref target="RFC7030"/> MAY be


  The first three lines of the discovery response above MUST be
   returned if the server supports resource discovery.  The last three

It may be worth listing out ace.est.crts, ace.est.sen, and ace.est.sren
explicitly for clarity (especially since line breaks are "only for

<pvds> after "the first three lines" added 

",describing ace.est.crts, ace.est.sen, and ace.est.sren,"

   lines are only included if the corresponding EST functions are
   implemented.  The Content-Formats in the response allow the client to
   request one that is supported by the server.  These are the values
   that would be sent in the client request with an Accept option.

It seems that these specific values (or a subset thereof) are mandatory;
a forward reference might be in order. 

<pvds> "Added : "(see table 2)"

Section 5.2

Did we consider merging this table with Table 1? 


The functions of the tables are different. It fits the progress of the
text. Merging will probably mean more forward references. Unless two
tables are too boring, I suggest to leave as is. 


Section 5.2

   While [RFC7030] permits a number of these functions to be used
   without authentication, this specification requires that the client
   MUST be authenticated for all functions.

Perhaps this divergence from 7030 should be noted more prominently,
perhaps in the section title or a dedicated "Differences from RFC 7030"


Suggestion to move this phrase to section 5 just before section 5.1? 


Section 5.3

   EST-coaps is designed for low-resource devices and hence does not
   need to send Base64-encoded data.  Simple binary is more efficient
   (30% smaller payload) and well supported by CoAP.  Thus, the payload
   for a given Media-Type follows the ASN.1 structure of the Media-Type
   and is transported in binary format.

This last sentence is only true when scoped to this document, for which
all the content we're handling is specified using ASN.1.  I don't know
whether we want to tweak the wording to reflect that or not, though.
Also, we probably should say DER-encoded ASN.1 structure (or BER?  I'd
have to check what the requirements are) since ASN.1 is just the
abstract syntax and not the encoding rules. 


s/payload/payload for DER-encoded ASN.1/

   When the client makes an /skc request the certificate returned with
   the private key is a single X.509 certificate (not a PKCS#7
   container) with Content-Format identifier TBD287 (0x011F) instead of
   281.  In cases where the private key is encrypted with CMS (as
   explained in Section 5.8) the Content-Format identifier is 280
   (0x0118) instead of 284.  The key and certificate representations are
   ASN.1 encoded in binary format.  An example is shown in Appendix A.3.

I think these relationships might be more clear in tabular form; I
dind't really understand the scheme at this point in the document, and
needed to get a ways further in before it really "clicked". 

<pvds> the following table is added. Is that sufficient?


             | Function | Response part 1 | Response part 2 | 


             | /skg       | 284                 | 281                | 

             | /skc       | 280                 | TBD287          | 


             Table 3: response content formats for skg and skc 


Section 5.4

   o  EST-coaps servers sometimes need to provide delayed responses
      which are conveyed with an empty ACK or an ACK containing response
      code 5.03 as explained in Section 5.7.  Thus, it is RECOMMENDED

nit: the response itself (delayed or not) is not in the ACK, so maybe
"the need for which is conveyed". 


s/responses which are conveyed with an/which are preceded by an
immediately returned/ 

Section 5.6

   layer.  In addition, invokers residing on a 6LoWPAN over IEEE
   802.15.4 [ieee802.15.4] network should attempt to size CoAP messages
   such that each DTLS record will fit within one or two IEEE 802.15.4

Is this intended to be a normative SHOULD?  If not, it feels like we
need a reference or justification. 


s/should attempt/are recommended/ 


Section 5.7

   certificate to the client after a short delay.  If the certificate
   response is large, the server will need more than one Block2 blocks
   to transfer it.

nit: "Block2 block" singular 

<pvds> thanks, done </pvds>

POST [2001:db8::2:1]:61616/est/sen (CON)(1:0/1/256) {CSR (frag# 1)} -->
   <-- (ACK) (1:0/1/256) (2.31 Continue)

Where is this notation documented?  (Is Appendix B.1 of this document
first place it's introduced?)  We need some kind of reference on first

<pvds> Just before figure 2 the following phrase is added: 

"The notation of figure 2 is explained in section B.1" 


   If the server is very slow (i.e. minutes) in providing the response
   (i.e. when a manual intervention is needed), he SHOULD respond with

nit: RFC style puts commas after (and before) "i.e." and "e.g.". 

<pvds>done everywhere </pvds>

   the identical CSR to the server.  As long as the server responds with
   response code 5.03 (Service Unavailable) with a Max-Age Option, the
   client SHOULD keep resending the enrollment request until the server
   responds with the certificate or the client abandons for other

nit: the transitive verb "abandons" has no direct object 

<pvds>abandons the request </pvds>

   response.  Note that the server asks for a decrease in the block size
   when acknowledging the first Block2.

nit: From the trace, it looks like the server is the first one to use
a 128-byte block size, and it does happen in an ack message, but that
ack is not acking a block2 (though it contains one).  (That ack message
also happens to contain part of the response.) 

<pvds> Ai, that confuses a lot. 

Should read: Note that the client asks again for a decrease

POST [2001:db8::2:1]:61616/est/sen(CON)(1:N1/0/256){CSR (frag# 1)}-->
  <-- (ACK) (1:0/1/256) (2.31 Continue)
POST [2001:db8::2:1]:61616/est/sen (CON)(1:1/1/256) {CSR (frag# 2)}  -->
  <-- (ACK) (1:1/1/256) (2.31 Continue)

The first line doesn't seem to match up -- doesn't the "N1" mean
"fragment N1+1" but the descriptive text at the end say "frag# 1"?
Or is this supposed to be 1:0/1/256? 

<pvds> Difficult to be terse and get it right: 

CSR (frag# n) means fragment n of the request 

Cert resp(frag# m) means fragment m of the response 

Like in figure 2, in figure 3, the line 

"... Immediate response when certificate is ready ...", 

Is added to separate the request sending from the response reception 


Also, it surprised me somewhat that the client has to re-send the whole
request (i.e., all fragments thereof) after the Max-Age interval when
the server says it's ready, since that feels wasteful of bandwidth, but
I assume that's just how CoAP works and not relevant for this document. 

<pvds>We did not see any other mechanism; but we are talking about many
minutes, the relative bandwidth loss is not too high.
This way, there is no need to keep much state, especially when many
simultaneous requests are treated.</pvds>

Section 5.8

   In scenarios where it is desirable that the server generates the
   private key, server-side key generation should be used.  Such

nit: suggest s/should be used/is available/ to avoid the appearance of

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