From: Sabrina Tanamal via RT <>
Subject: [IANA #1157486] Last Call: <draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-27.txt> 
(Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) using the OAuth 
2.0 Framework (ACE-OAuth)) to Proposed Standard


IESG/Authors/WG Chairs:

The IANA Functions Operator has completed its review of 
draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-27. If any part of this review is inaccurate, please 
let us know.

The IANA Functions Operator has a question about one of the actions requested 
in the IANA Considerations section of this document.

The IANA Functions Operator understands that, upon approval of this document, 
there are fifteen actions which we must complete.

NOTE: We’re asking the ADs how to handle the registrations for which Hannes is 
the only reviewer.

IANA Question --> Several sections of the current draft propose to create new 
registries (Sections 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.6, 8.7, 8.9, and 8.11). For each of these 
requests, IANA asks the authors where the new registries are to be located. Should 
they be added to an existing registry page? If not, do they belong in an existing 
category at For each of the new registries, it is 
not clear from the context of the request where the new registries should be 

Hello WG chairs (WG and ADs in cc),

I am in need of some guidance here due to my lack of experience in IANA

Do we want to establish a new protocol page for ACE in the IANA registries?

Alternatively we could add them to the OAuth pages under a specific ACE


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