From: Cigdem Sengul <> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 6:24 AM
To: Jim Schaad <>
Cc:; Ace Wg <>
Subject: Re: [Ace] draft-ietf-ace-mqtt-tls-profile - Validating a subscription 
is in scope


Hello Jim,


Topic filter and permission filter matching is something that I would like to 
have a better resolution as well. 

Responses inline. 

On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 1:38 AM Jim Schaad < 
<> > wrote:

I have run across an interesting question for doing validation of
subscriptions that I would like to get an opinion on.

When doing a publish, there is not an issue.  One simply takes the set of
values in the scope field as topic filters and checks the publication topic
against the set of permissible publication topic filters in the scope.


[CS] Yes. 


When doing a subscribe, there are four distinct cases that can arise:
1.  The subscription is for a single topic and either is or is not
successfully matched against the scope topic filter.


[CS] Yes. 


2.  The subscription is for a topic filter and it is identical to the scope
topic filter.


[CS] Yes. 

3.  Both are topic filters and are not the same.  Is one supposed to do some
type of subset matching on the two filters or does one always say that this
is not a match.  This is not addressed in the MQTT document and I am not
sure where it would be addressed.   As an example:

Scope value is subscribe_sport/#
Subscription topic is sport/tennis/#

The second is clearly a subset of the first and thus it would seem logical
to include it, but it gets more complicated if one instead asks for

Subscription topic is sport/+

In this case the two wild cards are not the same value.


We were thinking using a subset matching to check whether the token would 
permit the subscription request. 

For your example, a subscription request 

"sport/+" would cover all the single-levels under "sport" - including "sport/" 
but not "sport" . 

So if the scope is "subscribe_sport/#" which covers all multi-levels under 
"sport" (including "sport", the subscription request should still succeed. 
(i.e., the subscriber has a larger set of permissions than the request)


Now when the broker receives a publication with "sport/tennis" then it should 
pass this message on to the subscriber. 

When it receives a publication "sport/tennis/player1" then it should not. This 
would be normal broker behaviour as well (without using ace). 


[JLS] This is what I expected the answer to be, I will need to figure out what 
this algorithm looks like now for all of the corner cases.


It gets interesting when the scope is more restricted than the subscription 

For instance, the scope is sport/+

But subscription is sport/#


Should this be refused? Obviously the subscriber is attempting to subscribe to 
more than it has permission for. But does the broker still allow the 
subscription but reduce it to "sport/+"?

Currently would opt for the former, because the second option may be hard to 
signal to the subscriber - the SUBACK reason string together with the user 
property field may be used for such feedback to the subscriber but would need 
to be defined properly.


[JLS] Given that this is not defined in the base MQTT specification, most 
clients would not expect this if the ACE is grafted on the side of the program. 
 I would therefore say this is a “not authorized” and go on.







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