-----Original Message-----
From: Ace <ace-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Henk Birkholz
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:33 PM
To: Jim Schaad <i...@augustcellars.com>; r...@ietf.org; ace@ietf.org; 
Subject: Re: [Ace] RATS Entity Attestation Tokens (EAT) - to be a CWT or not to 
be a CWT?

Hi Jim,

I'll take a stake into my heart for the group then :) Please note that I claim 
that there is no evidence that I am a vampire nor that I am the provenance of 
option 1.).
[JLS]  Please note I was planning on staking the idea not the person, I was 
just going to de-credential you.  However that does raise the question should I 
bring salt and a sewing kit (mummies) or a gun with a silver bullet 

I tried to phrase the output of the last virtual interim as neutral as possible 
and I think your reply is to be categorized as:

Option 1.) is "out of the question" as a reply from a COSE WG chair.

[JLS] That would be the COSE author and ACE and CBOR WG chair.  I am not a COSE 
WG chair.  However, I guess I hit all three asks.

Viele Grüße,


On 04.03.20 22:42, Jim Schaad wrote:
> Henk,
> Well you have definitely written a message designed to get a response from me.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ace <ace-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Henk Birkholz
> Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 10:41 AM
> To: r...@ietf.org; ace@ietf.org; c...@ietf.org
> Subject: [Ace] RATS Entity Attestation Tokens (EAT) - to be a CWT or not to 
> be a CWT?
> Hi RATS enthusiasts,
> hi ACE,
> hi CBOR,
> in the RATS WG we had a lot of discussions about the nature of an Entity 
> Attestation Token (EAT):
>   > https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rats-eat/
>   > https://github.com/ietf-rats-wg/eat/
> A bit of (hopefully useful) context: an EAT is one way to convey 
> believable evidence from an Attester (a role residing on a device-like
> entity) to a Verifier (another role defined by RATS - the appraiser of 
> evidence). All that is done to provide a Relying Party with "simple enough" 
> attestation results generated by the Verifier to enable Relying Parties (in 
> general, the remote peer) to make an informed decision about whether to put 
> trust in the trustworthiness of that Attester or not. In summary, an Attester 
> could be compromised in some way and RATS tries to inhibit that Attester to 
> lie about that.
> There are a lot of benefits if an EAT (representing evidence) is a CWT:
> * we avoid conflicting CWT claim index/label definitions in the IANA 
> registry, while being able to use the CWT world of claims (existing, 
> cnf soon, and such),
> * at first glance it seems simpler to use existing code that can 
> process CWT, and
> * EAT can simply inherit the well defined COSE signing conventions.
> Alas, there is also a very specific drawback:
> * sometimes RATS might not want to sign a token (maybe that does 
> render it not a token anymore, but rather a ticket. But that is just a 
> rather minor detail for now)
> Why do RATS sometimes not require a signature around their CWT Claims Sets? 
> Because the surrounding secure channel between two entities with well 
> established authenticity and trustworthiness can be good enough to convey 
> useful CWT Claims Sets without a signature (emphasis on: in RATS).
> Now - there are multiple options discussed in the RATS WG how to deal with 
> this:
> 1.) go to COSE and ask for a "null signature",
> [JLS] For suggesting this, you should have all of you security credentials 
> revoked.  The idea of deliberately introducing a way to take the security 
> value of COSE signatures to zero is something that should be staked like a 
> vampire and not allowed to continue.  I strongly believe that this is a fatal 
> flaw in the current JOSE security suite and have several times deliberated 
> writing a document to remove the "null signature" from JOSE.  While it is bad 
> to have signatures which are no longer adequately secure, having one with 
> zero security is just brain dead.
> 2.) go to ACE and ask for an "unsigned token" option, or
> [JLS] I don't have a problem with this, I am not sure that I see any reason 
> for it however.  See below.
> 3.) go to CBOR and ask for a tag for "naked" CWT Claim Sets (i.e., that are 
> not signed).
> [JLS] I don't see any difference between this and option #2
> [JLS]
> 4.) Just write your CWT code in a sensible manner.
> My CWT code base does not make any assumptions about the number or 
> order of COSE security wrapping layers on a token.  It thus looks like
> while (true) {
>      if input has a COSE_Encrypt tag { decrypt it; set input to the content; 
> save the encryption information if needed e.g. shared key authentication; 
> continue; }
>      if input has a COSE_MAC tag { validate it; set input to the content; 
> save the MAC information if needed e.g. shared key authentication; continue;}
>      if input has a COSE_Signature tag { validate it; set input to the 
> content; save the signer information; continue }
>      if input is a map - return input as the set of claims;
>      throw an exception because it is not the correct format.
> }
> This does not require a tag for a naked set of claims and would allow that 
> set of claims to be pass in the same place as a CWT can be passed.  What you 
> are suggesting would require extra code to exist someplace that is going to 
> check for an additional tag.  It is also going to lead to people thinking 
> that this new tag should be legal to place inside of a CWT.  After all it 
> makes more sense to always include it than to just sometimes include it.  
> This would be more of an issue if an array rather than a map was being used 
> to carry the claims as there would be a chance to not know what type of 
> security wrapper exists.
> At the last RATS virtual interim there was no certainty how to approach this. 
> So this is a call out. COSE, ACE, and CBOR, how would you approach this 
> "unsigned CWT Claims Set" requirement?
> If one of the three options highlighted above is out of the question, please 
> say so (and please elaborate on the why for the sake of helping the RATS WG 
> understand why that is not a good idea).
> If one of the three options looks like a low hanging fruit & viable, please 
> say so (and... you know the drill).
> I hope that this email contains all the information required to help 
> the RATS WG in this call out to other WGs. If it does not, please say 
> so :)
> Last but not least, if there are other relevant WGs or experts that could 
> lend opinions or alternatives, let us know.
> Viele Grüße,
> Henk
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