From: Cigdem Sengul <> 
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2020 5:35 AM
To: Jim Schaad <>
Cc:; Ace Wg <>
Subject: Re: Comments on the MQTT draft


Hello Jim,

Comments inline.



Yes, I can see this can be problematic but this was to avoid the broker keeping 
state for clients that are no more authorised to receive those messages. The 
session state can include actual messages if QoS>=1, so maybe high overhead. 


The Session Expiry is also set by the client:


[JLS] All of that makes a great deal of sense to me.   What if a session 
expires when a token expires independent of the client’s request for a long 
session expiry interval.  After all, if the token is the identity then if the 
token expires you can no longer prove you are the same person and thus can have 
the same session back.   You probably need some weasel text about allowing for 
an expired session to get a new token if it is kept open perhaps, but I have 
not looked exactly when a connection would be forced closed due to token 
expiration yet.


[CS] Yes. We opted for not keeping any state because that indeed had too many 
problematic issues. One was, as I already mentioned, extra state kept for a 
time determined by the client (session expiry) - which we thought would cause 
trouble. There are some non-normative text in MQTT spec about how the server 
storage limits or admin policies can overwrite client-set expiry. 

The other issue is that the broker checks existing session with the (MQTT) 
Client Identifier. This info is not burned into the token (note that this 
client id is different than ACE client id used for e.g., authenticating to AS)

So, I feel that is problematic as well... 

So, there is a security-qos trade-off. 


[JLS]  I was planning to put a pointer to the token into my session state so 
that it could be checked.  However, as I stated in the original.  This needs to 
be justified one way or the other in the document. 



4.  I keep going back and forth on a recommendation that we channel bind in
the challenge response case.  I don't have the knowledge to be able to do a
formal proof, but I think that all of necessary conditions are going to be
met without it.  However, having the binding included would most likely make
the proofs that much easier.  


[CS] I am confused about this as well. Because, as we discussed in the interim 
meeting, the exporter-based

flow only works at the connection time, and not for reauthentication (that is 
why we kept the challenge/response flow). 

I am aiming to submit the v04 - but I will probably need to submit v05 to 
clarify all this. 


[JLS]]  You can do the exporter at any time.  I was thinking in terms of 
signing the triple of <server challenge, client challenge, tls-exporter value>






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