
The IESG has decided on a schedule for when WGs should be holding an
interim meeting based on the timeslot where it was scheduled to meet during
the F2F meeting.  If ACE is going to hold a meeting it is supposed to be on
April 15th.  We have put up a doodle poll for a time slot at


and are currently planning to schedule a two hour time slot for that
meeting.  Please fill in the poll including let us know if none of the
slots presented are going to be workable by March 20.

The chairs plan to schedule two more interim meetings one in May and one in
June to try and get some of the F2F time that we did not get because of the
canceled meeting.  We will be looking at how to schedule those meetings
between now and the 15th.


Jim and Daniel

Daniel Migault
Ace mailing list

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