Dear CoRE and ACE,

Apologies for cross-posting, this concerns the security for CoAP group 
communications (which is a CoRE draft) and the current specified method to 
retrieve public keys for group communication (which is an ACE draft).

When a node joins a group [0] there is a need for group members to get its 
public key. Section 4.5 of the current Github version of 
draft-ietf-ace-key-groupcomm "Key Provisioning for Group Communication using 
ACE" [1] describes procedures for retrieving the public keys, by accessing the 
resource "ace-group/GROUPNAME/pub-key" in the KDC. Section 4.3 in the same 
document describes the procedure to "make the ... resource Observable, and send 
notifications to Clients when the keying material is updated".

1. The use of notifications is good to avoid similar requests from several 
nodes in these cases. But the procedure is only mentioned briefly as quoted 
above. Would it be possible to expand on this and make it a recommended 
mechanism in this draft, or alternatively, a separate draft?

2. If the number of members in the group is large, it would be even better to 
send just one multicast notification [2] instead of many notifications with the 
same content, but this requires the sending node to be member of the group. The 
Group Manager is the authorized party distributing public keys to nodes of the 
group, but we don't think of it as member of that group. Is it worth to make 
the GM a group member by default to enable the use of [2] for distribution of 
the public key of a (re-)joining node?  



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