Here is my usual eclectic condensed agenda based on the FINAL AGENDA
for IETF108.  Remember that, occasionally, further agenda changes do

There has been no change from the DRAFT AGENDA in the Conflicts I
noted: LAKE/SUIT (!). ACE/RATS.  (I think 6LO/COSE can be ignored.)
The only significant change is that LAKE/SUIT/LOOPS has been exchanged
with CORE/TLS/TSVWG (Tuesday 1410Z vs. Friday 1100Z).  Also, the
mysterious HACKATHON has vanished.

All times appear to be in UTC, even though nothing says so in the text
agenda; gives the same
times.  This time, I have focused on the events in Week 31; please see
the original agenda for Week 30 preliminaries.

Grüße, Carsten

MONDAY, July 27, 2020

1100-1240  Session I
Rm 1    ART     dispatch        Dispatch WG - Joint with ARTAREA
Rm 2    IRTF    pearg   Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research Group
Rm 5    SEC *** teep    Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG

1300-1350  Session II
Rm 2    ART *** cbor    Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and 
Extensions WG
Rm 3    INT     intarea Internet Area Working Group WG
Rm 6    RTG     babel   Babel routing protocol WG
Rm 7    RTG     detnet  Deterministic Networking WG

1410-1550  Session III
Rm 1    ART     webtrans        WebTransport WG
Rm 3    IRTF    qirg    Quantum Internet Research Group
Rm 7    SEC     gnap    Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol WG

TUESDAY, July 28, 2020

1100-1240  Session I
Rm 1    ART *** asdf    A Semantic Definition Format for Data and Interactions 
of Things BOF
Rm 2    INT     6man    IPv6 Maintenance WG
Rm 3    IRTF    irtfopen        IRTF Open Meeting
Rm 8    TSV     masque  Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption 

1300-1350  Session II
Rm 7    SEC     mls     Messaging Layer Security WG
Rm 8    SEC *** rats    Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG

1410-1550  Session III
Rm 1    ART *** core    Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Rm 6    SEC     tls     Transport Layer Security WG
Rm 7    TSV     tsvwg   Transport Area Working Group WG

WEDNESDAY, July 29, 2020

1100-1240  Session I
Rm 4    RTG     bier    Bit Indexed Explicit Replication WG
Rm 5    SEC *** ace     Authentication and Authorization for Constrained 
Environments WG
Rm 6    SEC *** rats    Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG
Rm 7    TSV     quic    QUIC WG

1300-1350  Session II
Rm 1    INT *** 6lo     IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes WG
Rm 4    RTG     rift    Routing In Fat Trees WG
Rm 5    SEC *** cose    CBOR Object Signing and Encryption WG
Rm 6    TSV     tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting

1410-1550  IETF Plenary - Plenary

THURSDAY, July 30, 2020

1100-1240  Session I
Rm 3    OPS     anima   Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach WG
Rm 4    RTG     raw     Reliable and Available Wireless WG
Rm 5    SEC     secdispatch     Security Dispatch WG
Rm 6    TSV     tsvwg   Transport Area Working Group WG

1300-1350  Session II
Rm 4    INT *** lpwan   IPv6 over Low Power Wide-Area Networks WG
Rm 7    SEC     saag    Security Area Open Meeting

1410-1550  Session III
Rm 2    INT     add     Adaptive DNS Discovery WG
Rm 3    INT *** drip    Drone Remote ID Protocol WG
Rm 6    SEC     acme    Automated Certificate Management Environment WG

FRIDAY, July 31, 2020

1100-1240  Session I
Rm 5    SEC *** lake    Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange WG
Rm 6    SEC *** suit    Software Updates for Internet of Things WG
Rm 7    TSV     loops   Local Optimizations on Path Segments BOF

1300-1350  Session II
Rm 3    ART     wpack   Web Packaging WG
Rm 4    INT     6man    IPv6 Maintenance WG
Rm 6    SEC     emu     EAP Method Update WG

1410-1550  Session III
Rm 1    ART *** core    Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Rm 4    IRTF    coinrg  Computing in the Network Research Group
Rm 7    SEC     privacypass     Privacy Pass WG

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