Hello ACE,

piecing together parts of the big picture of Resource Directory, CoRAL
forms and ACE, I was wondering where in the whole story the client
should tie its intention to the key material it uses to authorize an

Take this -- admittedly contrived, but hopefully illustrative example:

* We have a device (C) inside example.com that coordinates a lot of
  actions (and thus has a good standing with the AS and gets almost all
  the tokens it asks for.

* The device would ike to register its management interface with the RD.

* A malicious attacker intercepts the discovery process, and tells C
  that there is an RD at
  (which is a perfectly legitimate service we're running there for
  commercial purposes; its interface is that you submit POST a link
  there in link-format, and then it ties up the link target with endless

* The device tries to register to the local RD by POSTing some data
  there, but as it has no token to the attack server, it receives a

  4.01 Unauthorized
  Get your token from coap://as.example.com, scope launch-attack,
  audience attack.example.com

* The client takes those pieces to the AS, which grants it a token
  (after all, C would be authorized to launch an attack, given it's
  known to be a coordinator -- it just doesn't mean to).

* C sends the token to the RS attack, and sends its POST again, with th
  link to its own management interface.

* The attack server brings C to a grinding halt, because it was tricked
  to shoot its own foot.

(Admittedly it's good practice for foot- and other guns to not just
silently ignore query parameters like ep=the-coordinator&lt=3600, but A)
other interfaces may be more accidentally-compatible, and B) CoRAL forms
would widen the range of craftable requests enormously).

My question here is: Where did this go wrong? Should C have verified
with attack.example.com that it really has the resource type core.rd?
Should it have understood the scope of the action? Should it have a
different security association with the AS for every action it asks
tokens for? And does the answer still hold if it has already obtained a
token to launch attacks (but just didn't notice that the RD it was sent
to happens to have the very URI its attack forces use)?

Kind regards

To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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