> On Aug 14, 2020, at 3:35 PM, Jim Schaad <i...@augustcellars.com> wrote:
> From: Laurence Lundblade <l...@island-resort.com 
> <mailto:l...@island-resort.com>> 
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 1:59 PM
> To: Jim Schaad <i...@augustcellars.com <mailto:i...@augustcellars.com>>
> Cc: Ace Wg <ace@ietf.org <mailto:ace@ietf.org>>; cose <c...@ietf.org 
> <mailto:c...@ietf.org>>
> Subject: Re: [COSE] Gap in registration of application/cwt?
> Here’s a series of scenarios that I think are legal CWT. These are allowed by 
> RFC 8392, right?
> 1) Explicitly tagged, no external type info needed
> - Has CWT tag
> - Has COSE type tag
> [JLS] Yes
> 2) CWT identification by label, COSE type tagged
> - The CWT is a CBOR data item with a label. The definition of the label says 
> the contents of the label are always CWT
> - No CWT tag necessary as it is implied by the label
> - Has a COSE type tag
> [JLS] Yes, the label could be internal to the CBOR object or external such as 
> an media-type

I was being very specific with the term label, meaning a label/key identifying 
an item in a CBOR map.

> 3) CWT and COSE by label
> - The CWT is an item with a label. The definition of the label says the 
> contents of the label are always CWT and of a specific COSE type
> - No tags necessary
> [JLS] Yes that would be fine
> 4) Application/CWT identifies content as CWT, tagging for COSE type
> - No CWT tag
> - Has a COSE tag
> [JLS] This is the same as 2?  I don’t think that it would be restricted to 
> just that media type.

You mean there could be other media types that also identify the content as CWT?

> 5) Application/CWT identifies content as CWT
> - Has CWT tag even though it is redundant 
> - Has a COSE tag
> [JLS] Yes

Additionally, one might interpret CBORbis 4.2.2 to say the the CWT tag should 
not be present.

> 6) Application/CWT; cose-type=COSE_Sign1 (or Mac0 or …)
> - No tags are used
> - Identification is completely by the MIME type header
> - (I understand that the cose-type MIME parameter is not defined, but it 
> could be. 8392 doesn’t forbid it)
> [JLS] Yes you could do that, and as I stated in a previous mail this is not a 
> good idea for the CoAP world.
> 7) A protocol like FIDO identifies a protocol element that is an attention 
> type the type of which is CWT with COSE_Sign1
> - No tags are used
> [JLS] yes
> 8) A protocol like FIDO identifies a protocol element that is an attention 
> type the type of which is CWT; the COSE type is determined by tag
> - No CWT tag
> - Has a COSE tag
> [JLS] yes
> The one thing you can’t do is have a CWT tag without a COSE type tag. 8392 
> section 6 forbids this.
> [JLS] There however is a set of nested cases that you might need to look at.  
> That is 6.CWT ( COSE_Encrypt_Tagged ( COSE_Sign ))  You would also need to 
> think about the requirements for nested COSE layers.

All but the most outer COSE type are always identified by a tag, per 7.1 step 5 
and 7.2 step 6, right?


> Jim
> LL
>> On Aug 11, 2020, at 12:20 PM, Laurence Lundblade <l...@island-resort.com 
>> <mailto:l...@island-resort.com>> wrote:
>>> On Aug 10, 2020, at 5:49 PM, Jim Schaad <i...@augustcellars.com 
>>> <mailto:i...@augustcellars.com>> wrote:
>>> This is all based on my understanding that the surrounding protocol for 
>>> must specify exactly when CBOR tags are to be used and when they are not to 
>>> be used and that the surrounding protocol must not leave it as an optional 
>>> implementation choice. In this case application/cwt is the supporting 
>>> protocol.
>>> [JLS] What is the text that says that this is true.  This would be a 
>>> surprising statement for me.
>> Here’s three things that lead me to this.
>>> CBORbis
>>> The sentence of the first paragraph in 4.2.2 
>>> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-cbor-7049bis-14#section-4.2.2> very 
>>> clearly states this, though this is only for deterministic encoding.
>>> Typical CDDL
>>> Most CDDL that describes tagged data describes it only as tagged or 
>>> untagged, not as optionally tagged.  COSE is one example of this. 
>>> Email threads
>>> This thread 
>>> <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/cbor/?gbt=1&index=Hz7VjeBab9DxPas9E5_KfOmZwN0>
>>>  and this thread 
>>> <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/cbor/?gbt=1&index=y1EZ-IylFpJ3_MndQGADSbKhx0s>.
>>> I summarized this behavior in this email 
>>> <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/cbor/Hz7VjeBab9DxPas9E5_KfOmZwN0/> 
>>> and no where in the rest of the thread was it indicated differently.
>> So, it is not a hard requirement because 4.2.2 is only for deterministic 
>> encoding, but seems like a “should" in spirit. It is the preferred way to 
>> design a CBOR protocol.
>> However you slice it, I think it is up to the surrounding protocol to say 
>> whether a tag is always required, never required or optionally required. If 
>> the protocol doesn’t say, then it defaults to optionally required.
>> Defaulting or explicitly allowing optional tagging means the receiver has to 
>> allow for all the tagging scenarios and makes possible the error case where 
>> the surrounding protocol says the data is of one type and the tag conflicts 
>> with it. (e.g. an application/cwt that contains a tagged CoSWID).
>> I don’t think optional tagging is of any advantage in a protocol design. It 
>> doesn’t enable anything.
>> It has some disadvantage because it introduces error conditions and 
>> potential confusion.
>> I think there are several scenarios with section 6 and application/cwt that 
>> could be more clear.
>>> Can you use tag 61 or not? I think the current answer is that in 
>>> application/cwt, tag 61 is optional.
>>> How do you know what the COSE type is? It is somewhat obvious that COSE 
>>> tags will work, but there is no requirement to use them. A MIME parameter 
>>> or other is entirely allowed here.
>>> Section 6 does say that determination that something is a CWT is 
>>> application dependent, but doesn’t say that the COSE type is also 
>>> application dependent. Section 7 does address this.
>> Said another way, my fully general CWT decoder that is called by some 
>> application needs an input parameter to indicate the COSE type because there 
>> is no requirement in 8392 that a CWT indicate which COSE type is in use. 
>> Sometimes the caller will be able to provide the COSE type and sometimes 
>> they won’t. Sometimes there will be an error of conflicting COSE type and 
>> sometimes the error will be that the COSE type can’t be determined.
>> I think it would have been cleanest if CWT always indicated the COSE type be 
>> used and the tagging optionality didn’t span two protocol layers, but that 
>> would be an incompatible change.  Maybe a recommendation that CWT’s SHOULD 
>> always indicate their COSE type?
>> LL
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