The Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ace) WG in
the Security Area of the IETF has been rechartered. For additional
information, please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs.

Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ace)
Current status: Active WG

  Daniel Migault <>
  Loganaden Velvindron <>

Assigned Area Director:
  Benjamin Kaduk <>

Security Area Directors:
  Benjamin Kaduk <>
  Roman Danyliw <>

Mailing list:
  To subscribe:

Group page:


The Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ace) WG
has defined a standardized solution framework for authentication and
authorization to enable authorized access to resources identified by a URI
and hosted on a resource server in constrained environments.

The access to the resource is mediated by an authorization server, which is
not considered to be constrained.

Profiles of this framework for application to security protocols commonly
used in constrained environments, including CoAP+DTLS and CoAP+OSCORE, have
also been standardized.  The Working Group is charged with maintenance of
the framework and existing profiles thereof, and may undertake work to
specify profiles of the framework for additional secure communications
protocols and for additional support services providing authorized access
to crypto keys (that are not necessarily limited to constrained endpoints,
though the focus remains on deployment in ecosystems with a substantial
portion of constrained devices).

In addition to the ongoing maintenance work, the Working Group will extend
the framework (originally designed to protect the exchange between single
client and single RS) as needed for applicability to group communications.
The initial focus will be on using (D)TLS and (Group) OSCORE as the underlying
communication security protocols. The Working Group will standardize
procedures for requesting and distributing group keying material using the ACE
framework as well as appropriated management interfaces.

The Working Group will standardize a format for expressing authorization
information for a given authenticated principal as received from an
authorization manager.

The Working Group will examine how to use Constrained Application Protocol
(CoAP) as a transport medium for certificate enrollment protocols, such as
EST and CMPv2, as well as a transport for authentication protocols such as
EAP (in coordination with the EMU WG), and standardize as needed.


  Nov 2018 - Submit DTLS Profile for ACE to the IESG for publication as a
  proposed standard

  Sep 2020 - WGLC for Group Communications

  Jan 2021 - Adoption call for "CoAP Transport for CMPV2"

  Feb 2021 - Adoption call of "EAP-based Authentication Service for CoAP"

  Feb 2021 - Submission to the IESG of "OSCORE Profile of the Authentication
  and Authorization for Constrained Environments Framework"

  Feb 2021 - Call for adoption of "Protecting EST Payloads with OSCORE"

  Jun 2021 - Submission to IESG of "CoAP Transport for CMPV2" (if adopted)

  Jul 2021 - Submission to the IESG of Pub-Sub Profile for Authentication and
  Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE)

  Jul 2021 - Submission to the IESG of "An Authorization Information Format
  (AIF) for ACE"

  Jul 2021 - Submission to the IESG of "Key Provisioning for Group
  Communication using ACE"

  Jul 2021 - Submission to the IESG of "Protecting EST Payloads with OSCORE"

  Aug 2021 - Submission to the IESG of "EAP-based Authentication Service for

  Sep 2021 - Submission to the IESG of "Key Management for OSCORE Groups in

  Dec 2021 - Submission to the IESG of "Admin Interface for the OSCORE Group

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