Hi Mike

> So after 5 min of study let me revise me proposed configuration. :)

> I guess I will be using CAS's login form which is fine.  So that 
> elimitates the requirement for Acegi authentication filters.

> JBoss probably can't setup CAS as its AuthenticationManager so 
> perhaps it could provide some kind of simple stub authentication
> manager that is called when Acegi authenticates through CAS?  
> Or perhaps Acegi could send the CAS principal and ticket auth 
> request to JBossAcegiLogin for authentication?

The simplest approach would be to not use the Jboss container adapter. Doing
so requires lots of JARs in your Jboss classloader and it will be awkward to
do what you're seeking (I'll discuss this more below). The only thing you
gain by going through all of this is EJB declarative security. If you only
have a few EJBs, you might find it easier to put the security checks inside
the EJBs themselves and rely on Acegi Security's inbuilt pattern of setting
up a ThreadLocal-bound authentication token via ContextHolder. If you do
this, you can setup CAS authentication just like shown in the sample
application and discussed in the reference guide.

Now if you _really_ need EJB declarative security, you're going to need to
write a new Jboss login module. This is because login modules must use JAAS'
NameCallback and PasswordCallback to obtain the principal's details. You
need those details to represent the CAS service ticket (which is the opaque
value contained in the HTTP GET redirect that follows successful login by
the user using the CAS servlet). The new login module will then need to
validate them. Rather than write this validation stage scratch, I'd look at
reusing some of the classes in net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.cas and its
sub-packages and create an Authentication token that can be returned to
Jboss. That Authentication token will subsequently be available to Acegi
Security via the JbossIntegrationFilter, and thus any Acegi Security
configuration should then work.

If it were me, I'd be going with the former option and in due course
refactoring the EJBs to native POJOs that can be managed directly by Spring.

Best regards

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