Hello all,

I was recently discussing the method of assigning roles to specific
resources on a Spring thread on TSS and a Gentleman named  Colin suggested I
raised the points here. Below is a copy of the post I made on TSS. I dont
know if I am missing something but perhaps it will be food for thought.




I dont think I was being as clear as I could have been. Also, please bear
with me because I am certainly a greenhorn when it comes to many of these

Lets take the example of URL based security (The
FilterInvocationInterceptor). The mapping between the security role required
and the actual code that handles that URL invocation seems to be based on a
list of URL's and the roles required to access them. I can understand the
benefits of this approach but I have found that if I decide to change my
controller mappings I also have to go back and change the information
supplied to the objectDefinitionSource attribute of the

I wonder whether it would be possible to obtain the information provided by
the objectDefinitionSource from the Controller itself.

Lets say I have a controller called 'AdminController' that provides the
model and the view for a system administration screen. This controller is
mapped to /admin/index.html. The objectDefinitionSource in the
FilterInvocationInterceptor has '\A/admin/.*\Z=ROLE_ADMIN'. If I later
decide that the admin URL shoudl be '/tools/admin.html' I have to change
both the controller mapping and the objectDefinitionSource.

This is not a major problem, and perhaps I am splitting hairs but if the
'ROLE_ADMIN' was assigned directly to the controller then I could remap URLs
without needing to reconfigure the security system.

I suspect that a similar approch could be used to wrap the 'BankManager'
bean in your provided example, this would allow the security information to
remain 'attached' to the object that it is securing.

I hope this was a little clearer.


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