Hi Ben,

> Hi Wesley
> If you'd like to submit patches which take advantage of the enhanced
> AuthenticationException.getAuthentication() method, I'd be pleased to
> apply them to CVS.
> Best regards
> Ben

OK, I started an attempt at adding the setting of the Authentication object
right down at individual 'AuthenticationProvider' level. This became very
problematic. Consider CasProxyTicketValidator, the 'validateNow' method of
this class throws BadCredentialsException and
AuthenticationServiceException, both of which would benefit from containing
the failed Authentication. However, I had to trace back up through
confirmTicketValid and into CasAuthenticationProvider.authenticateNow until
there was an Authentication object in scope. This would require the
'catch-rethrow' approach and I suspect this would be the case elsewhere.
This catch rethrow code would spread throughout the code and it would be
very easy to forget to include it when adding another provider.

What I have done (and this is a little more invasive, I know), is moved the
catch-rethrow up from the ProviderManager to the AuthenticationManager
rather than down to the indivual providers. To do this I have created an
'AbstractAuthenticationManager' class that is extended by ProviderManager.
The abstract class uses the template pattern to perform a central
'catch-rethrow' setting of the Authentication object. This resolves a
problem that was eating at me, which was that the setAuthentication was
public in AuthenticationException. Now that this work is done by the
AbstractAuthenticationManager the set method can be package scope.

There may be other benefits to having this AbstractAuthenticationManager
class in that now there is a central place in which yourself or contributers
can put code that is required on authentication regardless of the
AuthenticationManager used.

How do you feel about this?


Wesley Hall

Attachment: AbstractAuthenticationManager.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: AuthenticationException.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ProviderManager.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MockAuthenticationManager.java
Description: Binary data

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