On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 15:08, Ben Alex wrote:
> Peter Leschev wrote:
> >     I'm looking at using acegi with Tapestry for a web application that I'm
> >working on - From initial evaluation, Acegi looks very impressive. I
> >understand that AuthenticationProcessingFilter can be used to integrate
> >with an HTML form for user login, which is easy, but how is changing the
> >user's password possible? (I'm assuming it's something I have to code up
> >manually for now?)
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> Hi Peter
> Yes, you'll need to code change of password manually. A design decision 
> was made to keep the AuthenticationDao as simple as possible (ie 
> read-only) and as such we don't have the methods to write a new password 
> back to the authentication repository.
> Best regards
> Ben

No probs, thanks for the quick response!

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