Ben Alex wrote:

administrator wrote:

Thanks Ben,

What I'm trying to do on a functional level is quite straightforward.

The application that I am writing is intended for the real estate business.

In this business a sales agent will only be able to view/edit properties
that he/she has been assigned/brought into the company.

So when for example an agent does a search for houses they should
only be returned those that they are in charge off.

Hi Bryan

The way I'd approach this is to use as much Acegi Security infrastructure as possible. Whilst you could use your own SystemUser object etc, unless there is a compelling value-add you will have to maintain it when there is likely an already functional alternative maintained as part of Acegi Security. Specifically, the UserDetails interface and the User implementation of same can store your authenticated user information. This will be available from the ((SecureContext) ContextHolder.getContext()).getAuthentication(). Is there any particular reason you wouldn't want to use these classes?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes the reason is that for database performance reasons it makes sense to asign an auto-incremented key to each user. This makes lookup,joins and updates a lot faster and also provides an easy way to run such things as "get the last 20 users who joined up".

Also I don't know how familiar people on the list are with the hibernate
data model but just for a little
bit of background.


SalesPerson extends SystemUser.

SalesPerson -> id  = 1
SalesPerson ->username  = "ted"
SalesPerson ->branchId = 2
SalesPerson ->Properties = Set ( Property-> id = 1; Property-> id = 4
etc etc )

Property -> id = 1
Property->branchId = 1
Property -> name  = "big house"
Property -->salesPersons = Set ( SalesPerson -->id = 1; SalesPerson
-->id = 2  etc etc )

Using hibernate it is possible to do the following ( pseudo code )

SalesPerson salesPerson = hibernate.find( "SalesPerson as salesperson
where = 1");

Set properties = salesPerson.getProperties();
etc etc

Also you can do this

Integer branchId = salesPerson.getBranchId();
Properties props  = hibernate.find( "Properties as properties where
properties.branchId = ?", branchId);

This will not return the Property that I created earlier because it's
branchId = 2 and the salesperson has
a branchId of 1

So you can see how it would be a lot easier to implement fine grained
security if I had access to the Users
numeric id.


You see the thing is that I am developing this as an open source

I was enormously impressed by your contacts demo application and the way
that it made exposing the
service layer so easy.

However it is a little cumbersome to have to do this

public class ContactManagerFacade implements ContactManager,
InitializingBean {
   //~ Instance fields

   private ContactManager backend;

   //~ Methods

    * Security system will ensure the owner parameter equals the currently
    * logged in user.
    * @param owner DOCUMENT ME!
    * @return DOCUMENT ME!
   public Contact[] getAllByOwner(String owner) {
       return backend.getAllByOwner(owner);

If I can do what I am trying to do this method signature could be
changed to the following.

public Contact[] getAllByOwner(String owner) {

public Contact[] getAllMyContacts() {
   Integer userId = this.user.userId(); // The current user from the
secure session ???
   //Some hibernate stuff goes here.

Now I can expose this exact same service facade to
hessian,burlap,httpinvoker or Struts with
no additional logic.

This means that I can provide the interfaces to people who might be
interested in developing
a desktop client application for my system .

They dont need to know anything about security , all that they have to
do is create a hessian
session, connect to the server with a username/password combination and
take it from there.

I really think that hibernate / ejb3 is what everyone is going to be
using very shortly so I would
love to be the one to get this working and have a really s&$! hot
example app that people could
use to stick it to the .Net guys.


PS: I hope I amn't being too much of a pain in the ass but I think this
could be really cool. I'm
thinking that this could be the equivalent of Sun/Linux pam
authentication system ( which rules ).

As for the access control list (ACL) part, you'd use the new net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic package. This is discussed in the 0.6 reference manual, although there still isn't a sample application. Essentially you'd use the JdbcDaoImpl which retrieves ACLs from a JDBC backend. You'd then use the AclProviderManager as your AclManager implementation, which is wired to a BasicAclProvider, and in turn that is wired to the JdbcDaoImpl. You'd then write a custom AccessDecisionVoter which has a reference to the AclManager bean. The AccessDecisionVoter would check with the AclManager to ensure the Authentication object has access to the presented real estate property. If access is denied, the AccessDecisionVoter would throw an AccessDeniedException. That's all fine for working with specific real estate properties, but in terms of getting a list of real estate properties that users have access to, you would probably be best to write a MethodInterceptor which inspects a returned List and mutates it to remove real estate properties to which the user has no access. Thus it could be used with any of your finders, as it is a cross-cutting concern.

As above , all this would be simpler if the service bean had access to the users numeric id.

In relation to the Hibernate filters, yes, it seems like they would work if each real estate property could only have a single salesperson. But for the sake of spending a little time writing the MethodInterceptor and setting up the ACL package, you'd have much more flexibility (eg >1 salesperson per property, hierarchy perhaps based on locations of the real estate properties, hierarchy perhaps based on internal sales teams, allowing clients to edit their property details over the web, permitting limited access to certain real estate properties by other team members and so on).

This is all handled by the existing Hibernate data model.

Best regards Ben

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