I just chanced upon this post and now I know the answer it's something that i think anyone
working with spring should be aware of.

An applicationContext or a beanfactory ( it's super-class ) is passed a reference to it's parent
but never the other way arround .

It's kinda perverse but the child is aware of the parent but the parent is never aware of the child.

So the child can read all the parents beans but not vice versa.

I guess this is to stop it from looping or something.


Ben Alex wrote:

bryan wrote:

Is there any way to configure the system so this is possible ?

In web.xml


In beanRefFactory.xml

<bean id="bean.factory" lazy-init="true"


I've tried it with lazy-init set to true and also to false.
It craps out every time as far as I can see it is at the point where
it tries to load up
my acegi filters.

Any ideas appreciated ....

Hi Bryan

As a Spring specific question, you'd find a lot more advice comes flowing over at This list is for discussions between developers of Acegi Security. User support for Acegi Security takes place over at the Spring forums as well.

Best regards

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