Ben Alex wrote:

Ben Alex wrote:

I should emphasize that typical Acegi Security users will not be impacted at all from these changes, except perhaps defining the correct substitute for AutoIntegrationFilter in web.xml. Users already need to build the samples using Ant, so the need to build the samples via Maven shouldn't be a major issue.

Any comments, concerns, support, votes etc regarding the above are most welcome.

Any response to the above? If nobody has any objections within the next 24 hours, we'll make the changes.

I was in love with the idea of Maven when I first stumbled upon it more than two years ago. However, I find that even now it's somewhat useless in exactly some of the usecase where it would theoretically be the most useful. For large mutli-project builds, the lack of transitive dependencies makes dependency handling way more work than it should be, as each project needs to know what dependencies relates projects need. Other systems like Savant from Verge handle this nicely. Additionally, the insistence on single artifact per project (with then all sorts of little exceptions and work-arounds to handle things like ejb client jars) ignores reality, and I think shows a lack of a good model for actually representing build input and output. Ultimately whether one, two, or three artifacts are produced should be irrelevant. Finally, I find Maven extremely inflexible for handling the question of different sources for integration test, unit test, and normal testing, in terms of resource handling among other things.

In any case, for something like the Acegi Security System it probably makes sense, since for the most part it's a single project setup. And I like the Maven directory layouts.

I don't know if I've been involved enough lately to morally have my vote count, :-), and I presume it's a done deal now anyways, but here's my +0.


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