I am quite relieved to find that I'm not the only person facing this issue.

The discussion so far is quite invaluable and I hope we can continue this
thread.  I have tried looking at Hibernate Interceptor, but I don't think it
is the ideal solution because not all of my objects are obtained by
Hibernate (most of them are, but not all).  So I need whatever solution that
I ultimately go with to work outside of Hibernate.  

To me, it seems the following conditions are important if we are looking at
"scrubbing" the object instance.

1. ability to apply specific security to variable, or method level

2. persistence strategy independent. 

3. ideally participate in the same transaction as the data load itself to
guarantee a consistent version of the data.

For the last option - however, if a caretaker pattern is applied, then
caretaker implementation itself might choose to take a more lazy-load
approach, not actually checking ACL permissions until the method is actually
invoked.  Is that a feasible option?  This particular approach would happen
outside the transaction though, so there could be a mismatch in the database
object graph and the instanced object.


I have previously played with GCLIBing domain object instances, but that 
caused some complications with Hibernate. In the end that's what 
motivated me to write the AspectJ integration, but I was disappointed by 
the poor incremental compilation reliability in the Eclipse IDE. That's 
going back probably six months, so it might have improved and using 
AspectJ is a realistic/viable option for a "caretaker"-style solution to 
method invocation.

Alternatively, I am just wondering if a Hibernate Interceptor 
might be able to help in this case? It seems to offer the necessary 
hooks to introspect the object.

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