as some of you know, i have been working on a WebDAV server that integrates Acegi Security with Jackrabbit (the reference implementation of JCR, specified in JSR 170, at <>).

Jackrabbit uses JAAS internally to authenticate access to its repository, so my first attempt at integration was providing a custom LoginModule implemented using Acegi Security.

i've since been reminded that the JCR spec allows us to bypass the JCR implementation's internal authentication, and i've reimplemented my server to do just that. so i no longer need the custom LoginModule i developed.

however, the class is extremely generic and may be of use to others, so i'd like to contribute it to Acegi Security, or at least make it available in the mailing list archives for others who might need such a thing.

you can find the class at the below URL. do with it as you wish. and thanks for a great framework!


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