I started using Acegi 2 days ago, and now I have a fully working simple authentication / authorization without writing any code or referencing any Acegi classes - this is very impressive! Previously we implemented our own 'security' (authentication) for another appication, which I believe would take me at least 4 days to incorporate into new project...
I am done with complements, now I will get on with critique :).
Acegi Facade.
IMH Acegi needs a facade bean, which would administer wiring and setting up default behaviour.
For beginners it would be great if you could just add 1 bean to your application's spring context, which holds inmemory user/password, and URL to role mappings and basic authentication. This way you can get your application running with Acegi in 15 minutes, and build on from there.
As a matter of fact even if you are not a novice, you would probably want to start there as well... Advanced users still should be able to substitute default behaviour, by changing default configuration or implementation ["Simplifying Acegi Configuration" Craig Walls].
Implementation would most likely include pre-packaging default configuration and wiring in the jar.
Thanks a lot.

Vadim Pesochinskiy


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