Jeoff Wilks wrote:
Ben, can you elaborate a bit on how you structured your DB schema for ACLs? I'm facing this problem right now (need ACLs at both app level and database level), and I would appreciate understanding a little more about the intent of the Acegi design in that respect. (Apologies for resurrecting an old thread).

Unfortunately I cannot provide a generally-useful schema, as it was very specific to the application I was working on. However, I would encourage you to consider the most efficient way to model, update (via triggers, stored procedures etc) and use (via views etc) your data at a DB level - don't worry too much about Acegi Security's ACL requirements. This is because DBs have specific optimisation considerations, not only in terms of normalisation but also in terms of efficient operation of views and triggers. Acegi Security can "hook into" whatever you end up developing for the DB via its general-purpose BasicAclDao interface. If needed you can always provide a DB view for use by your BasicAclDao implementation.

Best regards

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