Dear Spring Community

You are invited to participate in a research project that I am
conducting into open source component licensing. The research is part of
my Doctorate of Business Administration degree at the University of
Newcastle, Australia and is being supervised by Dr Len Whitehouse. It is
hoped that the research will offer useful information about how
component licensing is approached in practice, and the results will be
made freely available to any person who is interested.

We are looking for software developers who are working on either
commercial or open source projects. Participation in the research is
entirely voluntary, and privacy has been carefully addressed to ensure
that participants cannot be identified. The research has received an
ethics clearance from the university.

Participation will normally take less than 30 minutes. If you
participate, you may optionally view a licensing compliance assessment
report for your project. This may be of general interest or assist in
planning licensing compliance strategies.

If you are interested in learning more about the research, please visit At that location you will find the full
Research Information Sheet that explains the research and provides you
with details on how to participate or ask further questions.

Thank you taking the time to read this email, and I hope that you will
consider participating.

Kind regards

Ben Alex

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