
As you've seen from the IESG announcement, ACME has been approved as a
working group, so our meeting in Prague will be as a working group rather
than a BoF.  The IETF agenda is still tentative, but we're currently
scheduled for Thursday, July 23rd, 15:20-17:20, in Karlin I/II.  (There is
still a chance that will change, though, so please do not tailor travel to
just that time frame!)

Our charter lists draft-barnes-acme as a starting point, and Rich and I are
asking the authors to produce an update for the meeting.  We expect some of
the working group time in Prague to be a document review/discussion of that

If you have other agenda items you'd like to request time for, please send
them to the list.


Ted and Rich
Acme mailing list

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